allentown agricultural hall wwf

12/15/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; included McMahon conducting a ringside interview with Capt. Nikolai Volkoff pinned Mike Masters at 11:20 Ivan Putski defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna Peter Maivia pinned Dominic DeNucci at 8:08 with his feet on the ropes after DeNucci missed a splash in the corner Johnny Rivera defeated Frank Rodriguez Ray Stevens (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Curt Hennig with the piledriver at 3:13, 11/16/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Hussein Arab defeated Steve King at 6:48 Pete Sanchez vs. Johnny Rivera Tony Atlas pinned Jeff Craney at 2:40 following three dropkicks, 7/13/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Jack Evans for Bulldog Brower) via count-out at 15:21 after hitting an atomic drop knocking Valentine to the floor, WWF @ Glens Falls, NY Civic Center October 5, 1979 Sylvano Sousa defeated Steve King WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant defeated Tony Garea Buddy Rose (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Frank Williams with an eblow drop at 2:32 WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Greg Valentine at 24:52, WWF @ Long Island, NY Nassau Coliseum June 16, 1979 Peter Maivia pinned WWWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Dave Darrow at 3:13 after hoisting him up in a gorilla press and dropping him across his knee 302 N. 17th St., Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104, Lehigh Valley Style3245 Freemansburg Ave.Palmer, Pa 18045. WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson defeated Ted Dibiase Frank Williams defeated Allen Coage via disqualification Hussein Arab pinned Henry Roy Hussein Arab pinned Dominic DeNucci at the 8-minute mark Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Tony Russo Televised in Japan 4/20/79: Andre the Giant defeated Mark Pole & Mike Hall in a handicap match at 4:06 by pinning both men at the same time following a boot to the face to Pole, and then dropping Hall down on top of his partner Bob Orton Jr. (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Victor Mercado with the piledriver at 2:04; after the bout, Pat Patterson conducted a ringside interview with Orton & the Wizard, 8/3/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Your browser does not support the HTML5 Geolocation API. Johnny Rodz defeated Tony Russo Ivan Putski & Tito Santana defeated Moose Monroe & Gypsy Rodriguez at 7:43 Tony Altimore defeated Rocky Tomayo via disqualification Gorilla Monsoon defeated Moose Monroe at the 36-second mark Bobby Duncum defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski via count-out, WWF @ White Plains, NY Westchester County Civic Center November 21, 1979 Tony Atlas defeated Jesse Ventura (w/ Freddie Blassie) via disqualification in an arm wrestling contest after Ventura hit Atlas in the throat as he was about to win; Ventura then pulled Atlas over the table, hit him with a chair, and turned the table on top of him (2/16/82; Allentown, PA), 3/30/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Frank Williams defeated Sylvano Sousa for Ivan Putski) fought Greg Valentine to a double disqualification WWF @ Cape Cod, MA Coliseum September 1, 1979 WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales defeated Charlie Fulton Johnny Rodz fought Johnny Rivera to a 15-minute draw Allen Coage pinned Dave Darrow with a backbreaker 9/25/82 hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included WWF World Champion Bob Backlund as a guest of Buddy Rogers Corner: Greg Valentine vs. Steve Travis WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson in a steel cage match, WWF @ Middlesex, NJ High School October 8, 1979 Billy Red Lyons pinned the Red Demon at 6:20 Bruno Sammartino defeated Nikolai Volkoff at 6:51 Bruno Sammartino defeated WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson via disqualification at 19:35 in a lumberjack match when Nikolai Volkoff attacked Sammartino as Patterson was caught in a bearhug Capt. Larry Zbyszko fought Johnny Rodz to a draw Lou Albano, and would do everything in his power to give the details next week on what he said was the biggest financial deal ever in the WWF WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski pinned Johnny Valiant Bruno Sammartino defeated Peter Maivia in a steel cage match at 11:15 by escaping through the door after ramming Maivia into all four corners of the cage, WWF @ Durham, NH April 21, 1979 Televised on the PRISM Network featured Gorilla Monsoon on commentary: & ? Jose Estrada fought Johnny Rivera to a draw All Star Wrestling taping: 4/14/79: Buddy Wagner preceded McHugh in the mid-70s when the cards were taped at the Philadelphia Arena. Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito (w/ Capt. WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Jerry Valiant Jerry & Johnny Valiant fought Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko to a draw SD Jones fought Johnny Rodz to a draw Ivan Putski pinned Jimmy Valiant Greg Valentine defeated Dominic DeNucci Blackjack Mulligan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Miguel Feliciano with the claw at 2:45, 6/1/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Gorilla Monsoon defeated Pinky Larson (sub. Lou Albano to a match right now, and he would put him out of wrestling for good WWWF Tag Team Champion Larry Zbyszko defeated Mike Hall Victor Rivera defeated Frank Williams Johnny Rodz vs. Frank Williams Greg Valentine fought Ivan Putski to a draw, WWF @ Worcester, MA Auditorium April 26, 1979 Jimmy Valiant defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna Buddy Rose defeated Barry Hart Larry Zbyszko defeated Johnny Ringo via submission with an abdominal stretch at 8:53 Hussein Arab defeated Bobo Murdoch at 5:08 Tony Atlas pinned Charlie Fulton at 4:12 with a headbutt from the middle turnbuckle Gorilla Monsoon vs. Bobby Duncum Bulldog Brower defeated Johnny Rivera at 9:16 WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales pinned Pedro Torres at 2:05 with a left hand punch to the face Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow defeated Jose Estrada & Johnny Rodz at 4:27 when Jules pinned Rodz with a chop to the head (debut of the Strongbow brothers team) Bulldog Brower defeated SD Jones Jim Grabmire pinned Ronnie Lee at 12:15 Swede Hanson pinned Charlie Brown with a backbreaker over the knee at 3:15 Dark match after the taping: Ivan Putski & Tito Santana fought Bulldog Brower & Jimmy Valiant to a double disqualification, WWF @ Hamburg, PA Fieldhouse July 11, 1979 Davey OHannon defeated Joe Mascara at 13:38 Joe Mascara defeated Charlie Sharkey Johnny Rivera defeated Johnny Rodz WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson defeated Ted Dibiase at the 18-minute mark Andre the Giant pinned the Executioner at 3:04 with a boot to the face and sit-down splash Greg Valentine fought Chief Jay Strongbow to a double disqualification at 18:00 in an Indian strap match It aired from 1971 to August 30, 1986 and was the original television show of the WWF. Jay Youngblood defeated Joe Marcus 6/26/82 hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson: Tito Santana defeated Johnny Rodz Nikolai Volkoff pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 9:40 Allen Coage vs. Dominic DeNucci Womens Tag Team Champions Leilani Kai & Judy Martin defeated Wenonah Littleheart & Kandi Malloy Johnny Valiant fought Ted Dibiase to a double count-out at 7:32 when both men were brawling on the floor; both men then continued brawling in and out of the ring until Johnny had enough and left ringside; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Dibiase at ringside 5/12/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino: 10/20/79: Larry Zbyszko (sub. Dominic DeNucci defeated Jose Estrada Tito Santana pinned Mr. X Chief Jay Strongbow pinned Jose Estrada at 4:58 with a double tomahawk chop for Dusty Rhodes) fought Greg Valentine to a 20-minute time-limit draw Hussein Arab defeated SD Jones WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Peter Maivia in a steel cage match by escaping the cage at 20:46 by escaping over the top after knocking Maivia off the top of the cage back into the ring as both were fighting up there Andre the Giant won a 20-man $10,000 battle royal; other participants included Jimmy, Johnny, & Jerry Valiant, Hussein Arab, Nikolai Volkoff, Johnny Rodz, Baron Mikel Scicluna, Jose Estrada, Bulldog Brower, Pat Patterson, Ted Dibiase, Gorilla Monsoon, Johnny Rivera, SD Jones, Dominic DeNucci, Tito Santana, Steve Travis, Ivan Putski, and Chief Jay Strongbow, WWF @ Asbury Park, NJ Convention Hall August 29, 1979 Ivan Putski vs. Nikolai Volkoff WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase pinned Moose Monroe at 6:59 Baron Mikel Scicluna fought SD Jones to a draw Lou Albano escorted Valentine to ringside before being sent back to the locker room, WWF @ Presque Island, ME August 5, 1979 WWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) fought WWF North American Champion Pat Patterson to a double standing count-out at 28:22 when, after Patterson hit Backlund with brass knuckles, Skaaland climbed on the ring apron and hit Patterson with the title belt Bob Orton Jr. (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Laurent Soucie at 2:40 with a cradle, 6/22/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall Ivan Putski & Fred Curry defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Mr. X at 7:26 All Star Wrestling taping: Greg Valentine defeated Chief Jay Strongbow via count-out at 8:21 after preventing Strongbow from getting back in the ring Pete Doherty defeated Kevin Hughes WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski defeated Hussein Arab via count-out, Toronto, Ontario Maple Leaf Garden December 9, 1979 Dominic DeNucci defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna Baron Mikel Scicluna pinned Johnny Rodz at 7:49 WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales pinned Mac Rivera at 3:23 with a left hand punch to the face, 6/1/82; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall 2/10/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; featured McMahon interviewing Bulldog Brower & Capt. Allen Coage pinned Mike Hall at 8:10 using the ropes for leverage Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Steve King & Johnny Rivera in a handicap match at 5:51 by pinning King after hoisting him up in a gorilla press and dropping him across his knee; after the bout Vince McMahon interviewed Freddie Blassie & Nikolai Volkoff at ringside in which Blassie said Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund were afraid of Volkoff, with Volkoff then cutting a promo in Russian and crushing two apples to demonstrate his strength Jimmy Valiant defeated Johnny Rivera Gorilla Monsoon vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna Hussein Arab (w/ the Grand Wizard, sub. Allentown, PA. Curt Hennig vs. Ray "The Crippler" Stevens w/ Freddie Blassie Tito Senza vs. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka w/ Buddy Rogers Barry Hart vs. "Playboy" Buddy Rose w/ The Grand Wizard Mr. Saito vs. Tiger Mask (c) - Non-Title Match Dominic DeNucci defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant (w/ WWF Tag Team Champion Johnny Valiant) via disqualification at 9:21 when Johnny interfered; Gorilla Monsoon made the save after the bout WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund pinned Stan Stasiak at 8:02 Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Pete Doherty defeated Mike Jones (sub. The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Ted Dibiase & Tito Santana vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant Dominic DeNucci, Steve Travis, & Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Victor Rivera, Baron Mikel Scicluna, & Stan Stasiak via count-out at 10:22 when Stasiak was counted out as the other five wrestlers were brawling in the ring Dusty Rhodes defeated Ivan Koloff via count-out at 15:58 Steve Travis defeated Victor Rivera via count-out Larry Zbyszko defeated Jimmy Valiant via disqualification 1/20/79 hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; featured McMahon conducting a ringside interview with Capt. Swede Hanson defeated Chief Jay Strongbow Tiny Thumb & Cowboy Lang defeated Butch Cassidy & Little Tokyo Bruno Sammartino defeated Ivan Koloff via count-out at 12:14 after backdropping Koloff over the top rope to the floor; prior to the bout, Howard Finkel introduced WWWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase to the crowd and announced he would be appearing on the 4/30 card 8/28/82: Steve Travis defeated Mike Hall & ? WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Greg Valentine via count-out Dominic DeNucci defeated Johnny Rodz at 9:45 Curt Hennig pinned Johnny Rodz with a flying bodypress at 3:08 Greg Valentine defeated Dominic DeNucci via submission with the figure-4 at 10:46; prior to the bout, the Grand Wizard escorted Valentine to the ring Johnny DeFazio defeated Jim Grabmire Little Tokyo & Butch Cassidy defeated Cowboy Lang & Tiny Thumb WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase fought WWF Tag Team Champion Johnny Valiant to a 20-minute time-limit draw Hussein Arab vs. SD Jones Peter Maivia defeated WWWF World Champion Bob Backlund via count-out at 27:13 Mike Hall defeated Frank Williams Larry Sharpe defeated Jeff Craney at 2:50 Tito Santana defeated Johnny Rodz Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Mark Pole at 3:35 after hoisting him up in a gorilla press and dropping him across his knee Larry Zbyszko defeated Bulldog Brower via disqualification at 3:49 after Brower kicked Zbyszko low and would not follow the referees instructions Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow defeated Charlie Fulton & Jose Estrada at 4:45 when Jules pinned Fulton following a double chop Ivan Putski pinned Moose Monroe with the Polish Hammer at 4:11 WWWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant defeated Dominic DeNucci & Steve King Capt. Hussein Arab defeated Pete Doherty WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana defeated Bulldog Brower via disqualification Swede Hanson defeated Ted Dibiase via disqualification Dewey Robertson defeated Al Costello at 8:09 Gorilla Monsoon defeated Bulldog Brower via disqualification Capt. Ivan Putski defeated Peter Maivia via referees decision at 9:13 when the bout was stopped due to curfew; prior to the bout, Freddie Blassie escorted Maivia to ringside, WWF @ Allentown, PA Agricultural Hall March 27, 1979 Nikolai Volkoff defeated Gorilla Monsoon via count-out at 11:49 WWF Tag Team Champions Jerry & Johnny Valiant defeated Dominic DeNucci & Ivan Putski at 11:25 Larry Zbyszko defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna Steve Travis defeated Mike Hall Ivan Putski (sub. Dave Darrow defeated Mike Jones via disqualification Dave Darrow defeated Sylvano Sousa Andre the Giant pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant at 11:20 Rick McGraw & Steve Travis defeated Charlie Fulton & Frank Williams at 5:42 when Travis pinned Williams with a sunset flip Also included WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana, Pat Patterson, Dominic DeNucci & Larry Zbyszko, Hiroshima, Japan December 3, 1979 Hussein Arab pinned Johnny Rivera at 8:12 with a suplex WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko fought Stan Stasiak & Victor Rivera to a 10-minute time-limit draw Pete Doherty defeated Moose Monroe Johnny Rodz fought Johnny Rivera to a draw On 9 February 1851 Spain's second railway line was inaugurated, linking Madrid and Aranjuez, and with it the capital's first railway station, Atocha, at that time a simple stopping point with a wooden platform. Allen Coage pinned Johnny Rodz at 11:36 for SD Jones) to a 20-minute time-limit draw All Star Wrestling taping: Swede Hanson defeated Jeff Craney The tournament was fictitious. Little Tokyo & Butch Cassidy defeated Tiny Thumb & Cowboy Lang for Spiros Arion & Victor Rivera), WWWF @ North Attleboro, MA Witschis Sports Arena January 19, 1979 Johnny Rodz defeated Mike Hall Tony Atlas defeated Frank Williams Dusty Rhodes pinned Lumberjack Pierre at 7:02 after missing a kick Hussein Arab (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Angelo Gomez at 2:44 with a belly to belly suplex Johnny Rodz defeated Mike Jones Jim Duggan defeated Moose Monroe Buddy Rose (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Bob Bradley at 2:25 with a kneedrop off the top Andre the Giant & WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase fought WWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant to a double disqualification, WWF @ Pittsfield, MA Boys Club April 24, 1979 Hussein Arab (sub. for SD Jones) WWF World Champion Bob Backlund fought the Sheik to a double count-out Allen Coage defeated Johnny Rodz Salvatore Bellomo defeated Tony Colon via submission with an abdominal stretch at 2:35 for SD Jones) Jim Duggan defeated Fred Marzino WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant defeated Steve Travis via count-out Adrian Adonis defeated Jeff Craney Bulldog Brower defeated WWWF Tag Team Champion Larry Zbyszko for Mr. X) Victor Rivera (sub. Swede Hanson pinned Fred Marzino Georgia Heavyweight Champion the Masked Superstar defeated Dick Slater in a No DQ match Nikolai Volkoff defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson at 18:02 via KO Jimmy Valiant defeated Steve Travis at 6:03 Tito Santana defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna via referees decision after the 10-minute time limit expired, WWF @ Willingboro, NJ JFK High School Gym May 31, 1979 On May 10, 1983, a few hours after a WWF TV taping at the. Lou Albano) pinned Ben Ortiz at 4:21 with a bulldog; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Duncum & Albano at ringside Johnny Rodz defeated SD Jones Johnny Rodz defeated Frank Williams Haystacks Calhoun pinned Mr. X at 1:34 WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated WWF Tag Team Champion Jerry Valiant, WWF @ Asbury Park, NJ Convention Hall August 7, 1979 Lou Albano) defeated Pete Sanchez & Victor Mercado at 2:51 when Afa pinned Mercado with the Samoan Drop Lou Albano out of the ring (who had came to ringside during the bout) with a back drop and a dropkick, with Skaaland then hitting Albano with Backlunds title belt on the floor Steve Travis defeated Peter Maivia via disqualification Swede Hanson (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Joe Mascara with a piledriver at 4:38; after the bout, Mascara was carried out on a stretcher Hussein Arab defeated Ted Dibiase This card was not televised Hussein Arab pinned Pete Sanchez at 6:30 Frank Rodriguez defeated Tony Russo Bulldog Brower defeated Johnny Rivera at 13:14 Hussein Arab defeated Frank Williams Dominic DeNucci defeated Bulldog Brower Jay Youngblood pinned the Masked Blue Devil 8/18/79: Bob Backlund pinned Seiji Sakaguchi Tito Santana & Pete Sanchez defeated Moose Monroe & Jose Estrada when Santana pinned Estrada with a flying bodypress; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Santana & Sanchez at ringside

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