compassion international lgbt

2009 106,000 In the interview, Doug Phillips also called for a return to Biblical patriarchythe loving and sacrificial leadership of families by fathers, men who lead their families with godliness and vision. Doug Phillips was perhaps the most prominent leader in the Quiverfull movement (see: that encourages women to submit to male authority, leave their jobs, and return to the task of bearing as many children as possible. 2005 937,818 2013 208,554, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (EIN 541829289). 2006 4,233,159 2007 10,000 2007 212,500 . In the forward to Luis Bushs book, then-Compassion International President Wess Stafford stated, Every major movement in history has grasped the need to target the next generation in order to advance its agenda and secure its legacy into the future. 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). 2001 0 [5] This strengthens the case that homosexuality is a behavior based on choice, not on genetic fate. 2012 1,223,550 2001 10,000 2002 700 2009 113,948 2010 4,576.272 Headed by current Council for National Policy board member L. Brent Bozell III, the Media Research Center in 2006 launched, as a sub-project, Robert H. Knights Culture and Media Institute. 2013 1,500, Mastering Life Ministries (EIN 62-1542382). MLM is the ministry of Os Hillman, a friend of Julius Oyet. You can also get information about your child's community and child development center from the My Sponsorships page in My Account. The First Academy is run by the Orlando First Baptist Church a fact which is only mentioned on the First Baptist Church website inside several biographies of church leaders who run the First Academy (see: [6], As of November 2019, the board chair of the organization was Judy Golz, and the president and CEO was Santiago Mellado. 2009 112,042 20012006 0 2012 100,893, Minneosta Teen Challenge (EIN 41-1517351), Teen Challenge is a an international network of addiction recovery centers run by the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God. The Witherspoon Institute . 2011 71,000 2005 1,000 Hope for The Hearts downloadable PDF resource on homosexuality ( ) attributes male same-sex attraction to stereotypical, cliches such as Failure to identify with his weak or absent father Viewing his father as weak and powerless and his mother as overpowering. 2003 85,750 That program was, and remains, the foundation and core of Compassion. In a 2011 op-ed, longtime Summit Ministries head Dr. David Noebel (who stepped down from heading Summit that year) claimed, Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. (see:, James Dobson has been an enthusiastic promoter of Summit Ministries since 1987, when Dobsons son Ryan attended one of Summits worldview programs and reportedly underwent a massive change. 2008 2,145,693 2013 37,250, The International Foundation/Fellowship Foundation (EIN 53-0204604), The main nonprofit foundation associated with The Family, AKA The Fellowship, which hosts the annual National Prayer Breakfast; The Family was the subject of the 2008 book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power by journalist Jeff Sharlet (2008, HarperCollins). While some organizations on the Christian right have over the past several years moderated their anti-gay rhetoric, the AFAs anti-gay speech has become, if anything, even more extreme. 2008 225,855 2004 4,000 2002 32,500 2013 1,950, Mercy Ministries of America (EIN 72-0973419). Homelessness. Theres no female dog that mates with a female dog, theres no male dog that lusts after a male dog. Natural disaster. 2010 81,074 Develop a long-term project to convince evangelical pastors to support the anti-gay movement. 2007 66,500 The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. We must never appear to be attempting to rob anyone of their rights their constitutional rights. Often we lead the person to speak the commands. The battle to protect basic freedoms never ends and all freedom-loving people must engage or those freedoms will soon be lost., 2001 22,500 2005 15,700 2006 65,050 Every day, our global church partners see how the food crisis devastates impoverished communities. Giving a special un-recorded presentation was Alan Sears, Alliance Defending Freedoms president. Christian and Missionary Alliance leaders have played a significant role in organizing and inspiring Ugandan religious and political leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT crusade, through their organization of the Atlanta-area based international College of Prayer. 2007 2,734,300 2009 100,000 About Compassion InternationalCompassion Internationalis a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. But, like Graham, Luis Palau also has ties to radically sectarian, dominionist streams of evangelicalism such as the New Apostolic Reformation, whose leaders urge their followers to burn or destroy all objects and scripture associated with competing faiths (and even with different sectarian forms of Christianity.). 2012 2,800 2012 0. Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. The ex-gay ministry His Servants is run by Don Schmierer, a Program Director For Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Company from 1992-2011 (and maybe even more recently). LGBTQI+ people are often not represented in political parties or among elected officials. The likely content of Ventrellas speech at the session can be inferred from a June 18, 2010 talk Ventrella gave at the ministry of (NCF-funded) TruthXchange, during which Ventrella approvingly quoted TruthXchange head Dr. Peter Jones (whom Ventrella referred to as a friend), Whether Christians realize it or not, we are part of a human history that is destined for confrontation and conflict with pagan spirituality and that spirituality is driven, in our times, by a militant homosexual agenda. (see: 2006 520,080 2011 33,900 I will not send them away hungry" (Matthew 15.32). 2009 110,180 Gods opinion of homosexuality has not changed.. 2011 104,600 2001 5,000 2006 30,000 2011 2,860 You can write your child a letter at Summit Ministries Since 2010, the AFAs director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy Bryan Fischer has been rebroadcasting tropes originally minted by Scott Lively, that Hitler and top Nazis were gay. transformation, setting people free from destructive attitudes, beliefs, values, and 2004 16,000 You can log in to My Account from the upper right-hand corner of any page. 2009 37,850 2011 11,200 The most common ethnicity at Compassion International is White (63%). Sponsor a Child", "Major Christian Charity Is Closing India Operations Amid a Crackdown", "No 'Ideological' Reason Behind Compassion International Ban: MEA",, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 18:13. The project is headed by Campus Crusade For Christs Warren Willis, who first brought anti-LGBT rights agitator Scott Lively to Uganda, in March 2002. easy jobs for autistic adults near bengaluru, karnataka compassion international lgbt. When the scandal of the American use of torture at Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison broke, Weigel unfurled a July 13, 2004 E&PCC op-ed (Abu Ghraib and Just War in Iraq) that argued the American public revulsion at the scandal underscored the underlying morality of the American people as well as the Just War credentials of the American invasion and occupation an enterprise which has led to the devastation of most of the previously affluent, modern, well-educated, and secular nation of Iraq. 2008 200 TruthXchange 2004 3,000 One of the current fellows at the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Herbert Schlossberg, who during the 1990s helped formulate a complex master strategy for combating organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering 1997 Co-presenting the anti-LGBT rights plan, at The Gathering, along with Schlossberg was Don Schmierer, then-serving as a program director for anti-gay funder Howard Ahmanson, one of the top funders of Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. Russian NGOs associated with the Yakunins have been in the forefront of Russias family values war on LGBT rights. 8 in Forbes' America's Top Charities List in 2020, Compassion is a founding member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and an accredited charity with the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. 2011 12,163 See Wydick, Glewwe & Rutledge (2013), Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, ONG "Compassion international": Soutenir 22 000 enfants dfavoriss, Aprs 20 ans, Compassion International roriente son programme de formation en leadership, 45 ans auprs des plus vulnrables d'Hati, Compassion International seeking donations to support ongoing relief in Haiti, "Two Million Now Registered in Ministry's Child Development Program", "Ratings and Metrics: Compassion International at", "Want to Change the World? 2004 877,650 2007 0 2004 400 Set up your online account. 2004 15,000 2012 106,250. 2007 4,299,990 Spavia Ann Arbor is seeking someone with a passion for the spa industry and is interested in growing our fast-growing company. The way God used sponsors through Compassion to Georgia Family Council 2008-2010 0 2013 29,350, Minnesota Family Institute and Council (EIN 41-1439560), 2001 6,000 While The Gathering is almost exclusively an affair of the dominionist Protestant evangelical right, The Council for National Policy brings together top funders of both the secular and theocratic far-right with movement activists and strategists. frontline church partners, we provide children with the opportunity to rise above their 2011 100 New Hope Charitable Foundation The CFC played an important organizing role in the successful effort to pass Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2012 5,000 2002 2,284 2011 2,306,758 2007 3,000 2006 100 2013 984,914, Marketplace Leaders Ministries (EIN 20-5399884). 2005 1,000 2012 31,400 2001 35,000 2006 0 2008 167,000 2013 39,150, Institute in Basic Life Principles (EIN 36-6108515). De-facto head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Vice President Michael Cromartie, a frequently featured speaker at The Gathering. 2001 5,000 One of the listed members of the Luis Palau Associations Next Generation Alliance (see: ) has been Ugandan Evangelist Julius Peter Oyet, who is in turn a member of of the Uganda branch of Silvosos International Transformation Network. Writes political scientist John R. Pottenger, in his book Reaping the Whirlwind: Liberal Democracy and the Religious Axis (2007, Georgetown University Press), As senior minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and president of Coral Ridge Ministries, an international Christian broadcasting organization based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Kennedy preaches sermons reflecting the doctrines of theonomy and dominionism of Christian Reconstructionism. 2009 16,850 2013 0. 2012 0 King was their man and nothing was allowed to get in their way.. Oyet claims to have helped conceive the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill and has forthrightly stated that the Bible mandates the death penalty for homosexuality. 2009 7,050 2008 34,000 Another board member of MLM is Ted Baehr, on the current board of the theocratic Coalition on Revival, whose members are pledge to give their lives, if necessary, to impose biblical law in all sectors of society. ( 2005 5,300 Compassion currently works in 27 countries around the world. Samaritans Purse This change impacts Compassions rating negatively because we choose to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners every month for our programs that impact children. In response to these issues we draw attention to the following Biblical teaching and its 2005 4,250 model is culturally appropriate and relevant. Stated Mitala, Some Ugandans are praising homosexuality and some believe it is their right but you should stand not to allow this moral decay in this country. (see: 2005 10,000 2001 103,000 2012 1,017,175. [9], The organization also helps in emergency situations and in the funding of health centers. 2001 15,450 Your donation helps children when they need it most.. 2008 2,674,708 The bill would have allowed private citizens, religious entities, or government employees the right to refuse to: - Provide any services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, or privileges; provide counseling, adoption, foster care and other social services; or provide employment or employment benefits, related to, or related to the celebration of, any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement. Syria and Iraq) and boundaries created by that Agreement created states inherently unstable, argued Scruton, because they encompassed tribal, ethnic and religious factions inherently at odds and not cemented by any secular national ethos. As legal fights over religious convictions on family and LGBT rights have continued to make their way through the courts and Congress, Bethany Christian decided to incorporate the move toward. 2013 0, American Center For Law and Justice (EIN 54-1586817), Started by televangelist Pat Robertson, the ACLJ has an active relationship with Robertsons Regent University. The sponsorship model was launched in 1953 and the organization officially became Compassion International in 1963. on their communities' needs. 2005 7,400 Controversy subsequently arose when media noticed a passage in the pledge that, as characterized by CNN, contained a controversial preamble suggesting black children born into slavery had better family structures than black children now. (see: Described as the best junket in all of journalism, The Faith Angle Forum has established Michael Cromartie as one of the go-to sources on questions regarding religion and politics for many of the top journalists reporting on religion. 2007 2,400 2006 65,000 How many countries does Compassion work in? 2013 184,000, Eternal Perspective Ministries (EIN 94-3125475), EPMs Randy Alcorn is one of the most prolific authors on the Christian Right (see: 2005 6,000 Rwanda. We believe our sponsors and donors are best served when their dollars are quickly put to use releasing children from poverty, not sitting unnecessarily idle in an account. In addition, this one-to-one relationship provides children with the message that they matter, that they are valuable and that someone outside of their family cares about them and their future. Luis Palau was an honorary co-chair (along with Bill Bright and Billy Graham) of the AD2000 And Beyond movement that served as a major vector for the globalization of the New Apostolic Reformation movement and its characteristic ideas and practices (such as Spiritual Mapping. Most of the high-level Ugandan Christian leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT rights crusade have ties to the NAR (Henry Luke Orombi) or have served directly in its America-based apostolic and prophetic networks (Julius Oyet, Alex Mitala, Joshua Lwere, John Mulinde). 2011 10,000 According to Scott Lively, credited with helping inflame anti-LGBT hatred from Eastern Europe and Russia to Uganda, Bright and lively were friends (see:; and according to Lively it was Campus Crusade For Christ leader Warren Willis who initially brought Lively to Uganda, in March 2002, to speak along with Ugandan Stephen Langa at an anti-pornography conference (see: 2004 582,900 2008 10,300 Citizens For Community Values was a top financial sponsor of the wave of 2004 state ballot amendments banning same-sex marriage. 2007 58,800 The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. No products in the cart. 2008 26,400 You had better be. Assemblies of God These are people who leave the lifestyle, get married to people, have children, and enter heterosexual relationships., 2002 15,923 patterns of culture. Palau is also linked to top NAR leadership by marriage, to Louis Palaus sister Ruth Noemi Palau (now Ruth Silvoso.) Everett Swanson was on a successful preaching tour in South Korea when he encountered the bitter poverty of Korea's unwanted children. confronting those internal causes that are rooted in patterns of belief and behavior Hollywood serves up a steady diet of irresponsible sex and violence. 2012 278,045, American Decency Association (EIN 38-2772745). 2007 70,500 2011 2,000 By contrast, the activities of the foundations whose heads attend the yearly conference known as The Gathering can be readily traced through funding patterns in the 990 tax forms that those foundations file yearly with the Internal Revenue Service, and also through audio archives of sessions from the yearly The Gathering conference going back to 1996. 2011 306,000 The Institute On Religion and Democracy (EIN 52-1265221). 2011 10,000 Self-compassion involves extending kindness toward the self, especially during times of difficulty. On a recent Friday night, several hundred suburbanites gathered in Fairfax, Virginia, to sing battle songs. 2007 275,053 In Central America and the Caribbean, Compassion works in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Mexico. 2006 6,400 Concerned Women For America has been one of the active U.S. participants in the World Congress of Families, and along with two other NCF-funded World Congress of Families participants, Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, has led the American Christian rights establishment as a presence at the United Nations. As described on the Portland Fellowship website, Since 1980, Portland Fellowship (called Reconciliation from 1980-1988) has been helping men and women find a way out of homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ. 2023 Compassion International. 2013 0, Global Mobilization Ministries (EIN 20-1030740). Every financial process undergoes intensive and continual scrutiny to ensure that funds are properly received, tracked, and managed. Explains author and researcher Rachel Tabachnick, [Theocratic libertarianism] would dramatically reduce the federal government and control society through enforcement of biblical law at the local and state levels. 2006 22,200 How do I contact Compassion International? Compassion International One key concept is the idea that underdevelopment and poverty stem from a lack of a Christian (fundamentalist) worldview. 2002 100 CFBM&W is a Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated initiative to defend traditional sex roles. 2013 11,341,187. Southeast Christian Church Packer, who is widely regarded as one of the leading theologians in North American Protestant conservative evangelicalism. 2010 11,605 2002 1,000 Sexual abnormalities are a deep cancerous tumor in the entire society. The Capitol Ministries document The Bible And Policy: Same-Sex Marriage conflates same-sex marriage with bestiality: If one reasons pragmatically for the approval of same-sex marriage, e.g. No. Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. 2013 54,100. The decision comes amid a high-stakes cultural and legal battle that features questions about sexuality, religious freedom, parenthood, family structure and theology. 2012 1,442,180 One of the foremost intellectuals of the dominionist Protestant right, Noebel has helped shape the political outlook of entire generations of American evangelicals through such tropes as his claim, as outlined in his 1965 pamphlet Communism, Hypnotism, and The Beatles, that the Beatles were part of a Soviet plot to brainwash American through rock music. 2002 17,500 In Asia, Compassion works in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. 2007 6,200 2013 0 ( 83,981 to John Hagee Ministries, EIN 74-1764843 ), The Liberty Counsel is a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay hate group. Later in the year, on October 14, 2009, Ugandan MP David Bahati tabled the bill. 2006 5,914,566 Disclosure Statement. Your donation provides Health Care Age-Appropriate Christian Teaching Hygiene Training Education & Vocational Training Explained Palau to Olasky, Our school superintendent, who happens to be a very prominent member of the gay and lesbian community, came and said, We want you to find a church partner for every school in Portland public schools. So we now have 252 public schools with an evangelical church partner simply asking the question, How can we serve? Its been a revolution in relationships.. Daly then referred readers to an op-ed at Citizenlink, Focus on the Familys public policy partner, which was strongly in support of the bill. 2009 5,800 2007 194,545 ( 101K to AFA radio ) (see:, 2001 200 (see: and 2004 293,700 At The Gathering 1997, under the auspices of Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute, Ahmansons private unincorporated funding vehicle, one current and one former (Herb Schlossberg) Fieldstead program director gave a presentation outlining a master strategy for combating organized homosexuality. The sudden near-cessation of NCF funding to Capitol Ministries correlates with rising negative publicity over Washington politicians associated with the The Family/Fellowship that followed in the wake of journalist Jeff Sharlets two books on The Family. Brad Phillips, brother of Christian Reconstructionist and former head of the now-defunct Vision Forum Doug Phillips, is head of the Voice of the Martyrs effort in Southern Sudan. Johnson enthusiastically endorses the Freedom Resource ministry of NCF-funded Andy Reese, whose book Freedom Tools explicitly describes homosexuality as linked to demon possession. These factors limit their rights and access to essential services such as education, employment, and health care, and pervasive discrimination and exclusion prevent meaningful inclusion in broader development efforts. 2008 $47,440,500 (ORU missions $1,700) Compassion. 20:13, Rom. The yearly conference known as The Gathering was conceived during a mid-1980s meeting at The Cedars, The Familys Arlington, Virginia mansion used as a retreat and prayer center. (also see entry for the Revival Prayer Alliance), 2001 2,000 Uganda Christian University has been one of the vectors through which New Apostolic Reformation ideology has infiltrated the Ugandan Anglican Church. 2007 127,000 2012 0 2003 62,113 One alleged Mercy Ministries former client testifies, I was judged right from the start because of my sexuality and they continually told me that was wrong and I shouldnt have those thoughts. 2001 57,050 the one thing that has been produced this year, and we had to get involved in producing it ourselves its the training material for Jim Burns National Institute of Youth Ministries, to go along with what theyve done, type of thing. Mayflower Institute Other co-founders included evangelist D. James Kennedy, James Dobson, and the less well known financial adviser Larry Burkett, one of three co-founders of the now-mammoth National Christian Foundation. Their blood guiltiness is upon them., The document also makes the strange argument, Not only is homosexuality and same sex marriage voided by God in His Word, but Biology as well condemns homosexuality and same sex marriage: One cannot be a homosexual evolutionist., (see: 2005 20,750 2011 3,640 Your donation to the Where Most Needed Fund will help support the mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name. 2002 21,500 2006 58,200 2009 193,200 2009 18,861 The Greens are frequent attendees of The Gathering. But the very existence of the movement serves to move the Overton Window, by making positions that might otherwise seem extreme look moderate by comparison. Compassion's criteria for opening a new country include: Compassion is distinct from other organizations because we are: On June 1, 2016, Charity Navigator introduced a revised method of calculation for the charities they review. Even if it could be proven that the homosexual orientation is inborn (some people are still desperately trying to prove this), the choice of homosexual behavior is still just that a choice To have desire toward something does not mean one is helpless to control his behavior. While National Christian Foundation funding of the Chalcedon Foundation has been small, a frequent attendee at The Gathering (the NCF is the biggest foundation represented at The Gathering) has been Howard Ahmanson, one of Chalcedons main sources of financial support up into the mid-1990s. (see: 2010 $6,735,669 (ORU Alumni Foundation $25,000) 2005 0 2002 1,000 Note NCFs $13,200 2006 grant 2006; in 2007, Hartleys Revival Prayer Institute gave Julius Oyet $11,350 for travel to the United States, to Hartleys Lilburn church. Growing up, I looked up to you and wanted to be just like you. 2003 16,350 When you sponsored me, all that changed. 2003 55,000 to 5:30p.m. 2002 11,000 (Eternal Perspectives) During the same time period, Lwere traveled to the United States for megachurch speaking appearances during which he characterized homosexuality as one in a number of demonic strongholds that can oppress cities and geographic territories.

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