genesis 21:22 34 commentary

The grocer later discovered that the scale was out of order. I. I. In the immediately preceding verses, God has provided Isaac and dismissed Ishmael, so that Abraham would learn that Gods promises do not depend on human schemes and effort for their fulfillment. A son was ABIMELECHS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM. So the treaty is solidified. Abraham took care to have his title to the well allowed, to prevent disputes in future. He spoke and the universe was created. all that thou doest: Without even reading it, he put it on one side of his old-fashioned scale. the three main sources, J. E, P are present. Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not de Genesis 21 Genesis 21:1; Genesis 22:1 His circumcision (Genesis 22:4)_ The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. He was Gods number one man on earth, but he wasnt holding miracle services. that it could not be explained on merely natural grounds. What makes us happy? The passage is narrative. And, God provides for his need for water through this well. Probably from JE. 1. Abimelek avoids contention within his ranks. the title not only of the king of Gerar, but of the kings of the with thee in all that At last in God's 'Set time," and in spite of all natural difficulties, Isaac is weaned. Abraham's acquiescence in the king's proposal was no doubt dictated by a peaceable disposition, a sense of equity, a spirit of contentment, and an unwavering confidence in God. "'Do not lay a hand on the boy,' he said. Because Abimelech had taken Sarah into his harem, God struck him and all his household with some illness and threatened to kill them if he didnt return Sarah to Abraham. The greatest possible injury of a material kind that could be done to a nomads chief was the all faction of his water supplies. Isaac is born, and circumcised. That world could tell that God was with him in all he did! Here God shows Abraham that not only would the people of the land not take his wife, they wouldnt even take his well. 139:16)! It also signified a tranquil, settled life, under Gods providential care. He provided manna in the wilderness and brought water from a rock. all that thou _AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME, THAT ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL THE 22. Abraham, being now in a good neighbourhood, stayed a great while there. AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME,possibly in immediate sequence to 2 And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. Genesis 21 1. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of _The Covenant with Abimelech_ (Genesis 21:22-34) And alls well. Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, Abraham. The man whos been thoroughly analyzing these files for the last 44 years is Dr. George Valliant. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. If he would walk with God, so that it was evident to others, Abraham had nothing to fear. They cover or deny their sin and try to make it look like theyve got it all together. So what does Abraham do? A Treaty with Abimelech. This is one of the attributes of God to His people. Here we have accomplished promise the blessed The Atlantic, June 2009), Jesus told us that all the law and all the prophets are summed up in these two statements:Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. AndLove your neighbor as yourself.. The trouble is, people can see that it isnt true. _ALUN OWEN_ Now the grace of God bears its most important fruit in the history of THAT ABIMELECH, AND PHICHOL, THE CHIEF CAPTAIN OF HIS HOST, SPAKE And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief As he was leaving, a young man walked up and quoted John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. The businessman didnt see how such a thing could be true and he didnt understand the connection between Gods giving His Son and a person having eternal life. chesed) to Abraham. And Abraham reproved (literally, reasoned with, and proved to the satisfaction of) Abimelech (who was, until informed, entirely unacquainted with the action of his servants) because of a well of water, which Abimelech's servants had violently taken away. 3 Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore him, Isaac. As the psalmist proclaims, Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His loving kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine (Ps. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 14. . Because of the cops statement that I wont ask you again! this situation is destined to go sideways. (3) that in making charges or preferring complaints it is well to avoid both heat of temper and severity of language. In gratitude for former favours he had received from him, in token of the friendship that subsisted between them, and for the confirmation of it; and to show that he was fully satisfied with Abimelech's answer to his complaint, as well as willing to enter into covenant by sacrifice, when such creatures were divided, and the covenanters passed between the pieces, for so it follows: and both of them made a covenant ; or, read more, And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. You, our leader and master, have pulled the rug out from under us! A son was ABIMELECHS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo More. He normally didnt attend church, but he was troubled about some matters and went to church, hoping to find some relief. And Abraham said, I will swear. The outcast. at the time God Himself had We plainly see that God blesseth and prospereth thee in all thy _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, His plane from Pennsylvania had been late, and a friend who had accompanied him to the Chicago airport said that he last saw him dashing through the terminal to make his flight home. Newly released book by Kurt Bennett, now available onAmazon! Abraham didnt fight with Abimeleks servants. And you know what else? Thus Abimelek narrowly averted sinning against the Lord which, the Lord informed him, would have cost him his life. The shaft is formed of excellent masonry to a great depth until it reaches the rock, and at this juncture a spring trickles perpetually. 15 Hagar in distresse. Why was one Christian man spared while the other was killed? But we can have the comfort of knowing that both men were under Gods providential care. The prudent measure Abraham gave Abimelech seven ewe lambs as a witness that he had digged the well, and consequently had a right to its possession. Thus, Beersheba can mean, well of oath, or well of seven. So, outside of the name, Beersheba, the word shava occurs three times and the word sheva occurs three times in this passage. Its our job to love God and to love people. We have had in fine the judgment of 22._And it came to pass at that time_. 8. you do. The trouble with this approach, of course, is that we never get to that place. (2) that as Beersheba was situated on the confines of the Philistines' territory, Abraham must frequently have sojourned in their country while pasturing his flocks (Rosenmller). of faith in another point of view. Abraham at He complains to Abimelek about a well of water that Abimeleks servants had seized. 3. The tree sealed the site of the oath. He wasnt perfect, but he had reality with God and Gods gracious hand was on him. Weaned] in his second or third year, as is usual among Orientals. GODS ANCIENT PEOPLE his mother took him a wife --On a father's death, the mother looks out for a wife for her son, however young; and as Ishmael was now virtually deprived of his father, his mother set about forming a marriage connection for him, it would seem, among her relatives. As the years passed, he often wondered if it was just a coincidence. of his host, spoke to Abraham saying, God is with you in all that and poetical word. Peace commemorated. There is no reason to question the sincerity of the Philistine monarch in disclaiming all knowledge of the act of robbery committed by his servants. 15 Hagar in distresse. Abimelech was impressed with Abraham's growing prosperity. We have had in fine the judgment of 22._And it came to pass at that time_. Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, Abraham, having got into a good neighbourhood, knew when he was well off, and continued a great while there. Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. 4. _God is with thee in all tha 1 Isaac is borne. Why did the woman have the prayer already written before he asked for it? that it could not be explained on merely natural grounds. When Abraham and Abimelech previously met, on the occasion when Abraham lied about his wife, Abimelech endorsed Abraham living where it pleases you (20:15). His file is sealed until 2040) have receivedregular medical exams, taken psychological tests, returned questionnaires, and sat for interviews for the last 72 years or until they died. He sets apart seven lambs from the flock and gives them to Abimelek. . Treaty with Abimelech (21:22-34) Abraham had settled in the south of Canaan in Abimelech's territory and at Abimelech's invitation (see 20:15). The world is watching, and without a word of witness, they should be able to tell that we are Christians as they see our godly lives. Abimelech and Abraham, or ancient covenanters. Scripture Story: Genesis 21:1-5; Genesis 22:1-12. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? His friendship is valued, is courted, though a stranger, though a tenant at will to the Canaanites and Perizzites. So that place was called Beersheba,because the two men swore an oath there. Abimelech and Phichol. Abimeleks servants seized the well so Abraham mustered his servants and seized it right back, correct? 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the could sing with Mary, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spi God is with thee in all that thou doest Abraham, the one who took his army of 318 men and rescued Lot from the armies of four kings, Abraham goes after the servants of Abimelek and takes them out, right? This event is not recorded in Scripture. Philistines generally (Genesis 2 ISHMAEL AND ISAAC The deal is sealed. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken ( Genesis 21:1 ). How to survive a life of loving like Jesus (or how not to become a Christian doormat). All rights reserved. 6 Sarahs ioy. CHAPTER 21 CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. He sarcastically said, Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries. To his surprise, she pulled a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him. But thats not fair! You might be saying. ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Genesis 21:1-34 ; Genesis 22:1-24 Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Wells of water are scarce and . Contests for wells "are now very common all over the country, but more especially in the southern deserts". No more can be expected from an honest man than that he be ready to do right, as soon as he knows he has done wrong. Read the Scripture: Genesis 21:22-34. 22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. Specific examples of how Jesus communicated Gods love to others. ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH Th Genesis 21:22 time H6256 Abimelech H40 Phichol H6369 commander H8269 the three main sources, J. E, P are present. 6 Sarahs ioy. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH The league is proposed by Abimelech, and Phichol his prime-minister of state and general of his army. Abraham called on the name of the everlasting God. Neither didst thou toll me, neither yet heard I of it, but today. all-commanding. Abimelek responds, This is the first Ive heard of it. I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." I've got that underlined that just sort of hit me. 21:25-26 Interrupting the covenant-making ceremony, Abraham airs a grievance that he has with Abimelech related to Abimelechs servants taking possession of a well that Abraham previously dug. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto Abimelech As the usual covenant presents (cf. (Murphy)that Abimelechthe king of Gerar (Genesis 20:2; Genesis 26:1, Genesis 26:16)and Phi-cholif the name be Shemitic, "mouth of all," i.e. And Abraham plantedas a sign of his peaceful occupation of the soil (Calvin); as a memorial of the transaction about the well ('Speaker's Commentary'); or simply as a shade for his tent (Rosenmller); scarcely as an oratory (Bush, Kalisch)a grovethe wood, plantation (Targum, Vulgate, Samaritan, Kimchi); a field, (LXX. Now therefore swear unto me here by Godthe verb to swear is derived from the Hebrew numeral seven, inasmuch as the septennary number was sacred, and oaths were confirmed either by seven sacrifices (Genesis 21:28) or by seven witnesses and pledgesthat thou wilt not deal falsely with me,literally, if thou shalt lie unto me; a common form of oath in Hebrew, in which the other member of the sentence is for emphasis left unexpressed (cf. This may grow out of the previous encounter when God spoke to Abimelech, called Abraham a prophet, and answered Abrahams prayer (for the infertility of the women in his house). Just because youve blown it with someone in the past doesnt mean that you cant be used later to influence that person toward God. Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION Abimelech. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. Though he was surrounded by pagans who had no scruples about murdering and plundering a wealthy mans belongings, Abraham could live securely because of Gods faithful protection, apart from any schemes on Abrahams part. So we never bear witness for Jesus Christ, which is precisely what Satan wants. Phichol.] So Abimelek took Sarah into his harem. vs.22-34 The treaty between Abraham and Abimelech. 7. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH GOD. _ 1. 14. A.M. 2118. _Isaac;_ that is, laughter or holy joy. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path Gunkel has given strong Bondwoman and her son cast out. Abimelech was impressed with Abraham's growing prosperity. The next thing that happened was that the new cop pulled him through the window, arrested him, and took him down town to HQ. Ishmaels expulsion. of faith in another point of view. Whenever he looks at the slip of paper that contains her prayer, he is amazed, for it reads, Please, dear Lord, give us this day our daily bread. (Our Daily Bread.). Worldly policy may have urged Abimelech to cement a league with the powerful chieftain in his neighborhood, but religions affinity would also seem to have exercised an influence in drawing him to seek the friendship of one who appeared to enjoy celestial protection. It hadnt worked the two times they tried it. The proposal was reasonable, and agreed to [Ge 21:24]. Peace established, Abimelech and Phichol, having accomplished their mission, returned to Philistia. Phichol.] Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. CHARACTERS: Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, Hagar, Ishmael, Abimelech. Sarah's joy. There he made, not only a constant practice, but an open profession of his religion. The impelling motives. He added some more items, but to his consternation, still nothing happened. Although some of Abrahams resources came directly from Abimelech (20:16), the king sees the blessing of the Lord on all that you do.. 17 The Angel comforteth her. (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to NOR WITH MY SON, NOR WITH MY SONS SON.] This Thirsty World. mercy in Christ the Lord. By the way the new cops boss, the Police Chief, called him into his office the next day for what the new cop thought was going to be an atta-boy. A few years ago, a Christian worker was scheduled to fly from New York to Chicago for some meetings before returning home to Los Angeles. (1) that as the land of the Philistines had no fixed boundary toward the desert, Beersheba may at this time have been claimed for the kingdom of Gerar (Keil); or. Ishmael mocking (Genesis 22:9) I Wish Someone Had Told Me This When I Was Young, Genesis 21:1-21 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6 KJV), You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it: 1 Corinthians 12:27, Joseph's 5 Steps to Avoid Temptation: Genesis 39:6-23, 10 Attributes Of Jesus' Relationship With His Father (And what we can learn from them), Jesus And The 5 Love Languages: Chapter 17 from the newly released book Love Like Jesus, Joseph's 4 Steps to Success: Genesis 39:1-6, The Consequences Of Ignoring God: God's Way, Your Way, And Your Crushed Spirit, The Surprising Power of Habits: Important Conversation with My Younger Self, #5, Drunk and Naked--Love Covers a Multitude: Genesis 9:18-29, Things You Should Know About The Author Of This Blog. We have here an account of the treaty between Abimelech and Abraham, in which appears the accomplishment of that promise (Gen. 12:2) that God would make his name great. Youll be happier, people will be more cooperative toward you, and youll have healthier relationships. Read Genesis commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise). Abraham decided to take a different approach. THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC GENESIS 21:23. Luke 6:21. One of Abrahams deeply rooted fears when God called him to leave his homeland and go to the land of Canaan was that the people of the land would see his wife and kill him in order to take her. CHAPTER 21 21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt. Genesis 12:1-3 sets forth Gods purpose to make of Abraham a great nation, to bless him and make his name great so that he would be the channel of Gods blessing to all the families of the earth. *** Abimelech reenters the picture with his enforcer, Phicol. Because Abimelech wanted this covenant to apply, not only to himself, but to his posterity (21:23), it secured this source of water not only for Abraham, but for his descendants. 4. Abimelech, the king who had inadvertently taken Sarah into his harem because Abraham had lied about her being his sister, pays a visit to Abraham, acknowledges that God is with him, and proposes a peace pact. Abimelech and PhicholHere a proof of the promise (Ge 12:2) being fulfilled, in a native prince wishing to form a solemn league with Abraham. Most of Gods people have been simple, ordinary folks who are not famous or politically powerful. "The great well has an internal diameter at the mouth of twelve feet six inches, or a circumference of nearly forty feet. Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. But Abraham still struggled with this fear long after he had been living in the land. When you come to a passage like this in the Bible, the question is, Why did God include this in sacred Scripture? The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. 23 Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity, but as I have dealt kindly with you, so you will deal with me and with the . Whereas the first conflict, Scene 5 ( Genesis 20:1-18 ), concerned jeopardy of the . Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not de Genesis 21 . army H6635 spoke H559 (H8799) Abraham H85 saying And so it was at that time that Abimelech, and Phicol the captain The new name of God bore witness to Gods unchanging faithfulness and to the fact that Abrahams faith was not in Abimelech nor in the treaty between them, but in the eternal God who was his dwelling place. Abraham uses the occasion to complain to Abimelech about a well which his men have taken from Abrahams servants. *** Abimelech reenters the picture with his enforcer, Phicol. Bondwoman and her son cast out. Vs.8-21 The expulsion of Ishmael and Hagar. Here we have accomplished promise the blessed 17 The Angel comforteth her. COVENANT. He checked his boots, they were shiny. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? This is the first use of everlasting (Hb. 23 Now swear to me here before God that you will not deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. 1886. "Abraham stretched forth his hand, ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH COVENANT Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. Now, without Abrahams initiative or schemes, Abimelech comes and proposes this peace agreement, so that Abraham receives from God what he previously had tried to get through his deceptive scheme. So swear to me here before God that you won't deal falsely with me or my children or my descendants. Another highlight of this passage is the explanation for the origin of the name Beersheba. How to respond to critics the way Jesus did. Read Genesis 21:22-34 Ripped Off Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets (or Beginning of the End), chapter 13. In spite of Abrahams past deception, Abimelech recognized God in his life. When the owner asked how much she could afford, she replied, My husband was killed in the war. army H6635 spoke H559 (H8799) Abraham H85 saying And so it was at that time that Abimelech, and Phicol the captain 3. 20 God was with the boy as he grew up. Are we cheerful and pleasant, even when were mistreated, or do we grumble and complain like everyone else? As a planter of tamarisks, the patriarch has been styled the father of civilization; it is more important to remark that he never neglected to worship God himself and publish his salvation to others. This is even more significant when you realize that Abraham wasnt doing anything spectacular. And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with thee in all that thou doest: , saying, God is with thee in all that thou doest, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Most days, he got up, made sure his animals were being cared for, dealt with problems like sick or straying animals, servants who had squabbles, and finding enough water and food for his flocks and family. The things of this world made a channel of higher blessings.

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