gosford glyphs tunnels

This is controversial because if we look at history, these plants were exclusive to the American continent, and not to other parts of the world. Theres almost 300 of them! Kariong Mountains High School opened in 2010 at Kariong. The glyphs have since been dismissed as a hoax by authorities and academics after their . "These are things that don't relate to the walls but it's all around the walls." The Victoria-era quarantine station for Sydney. [6][7][5][8], Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, "Kariong view record in NSW Place and Road Naming System", "Ancient Egyptians lived near Woy Woy: fact or fantasy? He was the Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt. He created most of the "translation" that we have, despite having no formal training in translating Egyptian/proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs. "I listen to the original people for my history," he said. They can be found using Google Maps, which will take you to a small car park on the side of the road. Look for a warning sign on the boulder warning of falling rocks. [1] Inconsistencies in the glyphs don't make sense for something that's supposed to be a royal expedition of two princes. "It is straight and nature doesn't do straight lines, "There's a second shaft that runs downand the third one is a gallery that is big enough to park a car.". This intriguing local landmark makes for a perfect treasure hunt and offers a great incentive to keep little legs walking and little minds enthusiastic. The Gosford glyphs, debunked By Tim the Yowie Man March 1, 2021 Image credit: Tim the Yowie Man Reading Time: 2 Minutes Print this page Nope, the hieroglyphs seen engraved on rocks within Brisbane Water National Park were not the handiwork of Egyptian travellers who sailed to Australia some 5000 years ago. From Kariong interchange, travel down Woy Woy Rd. (n.d.). The chamber was aligned with the Western Heavens. The glyphs are carved into two parallel sandstone walls about 15 m (49 ft) long. This page was last edited on 10 December 2021, at 01:21. A bone specialist has since examined it and noted it seems ancient and could be the top part of a femur. Cat- scan analysis was inconclusive due to the staffs unfamiliarity with bone that may be thousands of years old, but did note that it has the same density as bone. Kariong is considered the entry point to the Central Coast as it borders the Pacific Motorway M1. Hidden behind a large boulder, they can be hard to find. Check out my books about ancient Egypt here:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Brien+Foerster+Egypt&ref=nb_sb_noss It is accessible by either the Lyre Trig fire trail across the road from the fire station or Bambara road (gated dirt road) further up. Two Egyptian princes, Nefer-Djeseb and Nefer-Ti-Ru, sons of Khufu (king of Upper and Lower Egypt), sailed eastward for eight months until they reached land. Egyptologist debunks new claims about 'Gosford glyphs'. Veer off to the left until you find the big "Grandmother Tree." Travel Blog About the Journey Not Just the Destination. [9] This Regal person NEFER-TI-RU came from the temple of God in Penu, Egypt. Thats a chronological discrepancy, he said. He noted that "the glyphs had only recently been carved due to the lack of lichen growth in the carved grooves and the visual appearance of spalling chips around the symbols"[4], The most recent documentation of the glyphs being added to is from the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. "It . We have seen engravings amongst Original rock platforms in the immediate area of the Egyptian God Thoth in ibis/human form, in ape/human form, in judgement pose with a moon and sun in each hand, a separate Ankh and ibis footprint, the Egyptian God of Inheritance, an Egyptian boat, etc. Heres a Bushwalk with a Mystery! Archaeologists claim massive structure dates back 5,000 years, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena. The NAISDA Dance College, a performing arts training college for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all over Australia, is based in the Mount Penang Parklands in Kariong. "It is straight and nature doesn't do straight lines. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. I could almost feel the energy of the writers and based on what I already knew of story they were telling, began to understand their plight. Macquarie University. Expert Opinions. Whatever their origins its a fun visit and an easy walk for some photos you can show friends to puzzle over. A visitor information centre for the Central Coast is located just off the Central Coast Highway, near the entry to the Mount Penang Parklands. [1], Ray Johnson was the primary translator of the glyphs. Considered a hoax by many, and ultimate evidence of ancient Egyptian trans-oceanic voyages by others, the curious set of symbols has produced mixed views from researchers around the globe. [4] Up until their discovery, the site of the glyphs was engulfed with sand and rocks, and had overgrown vegetation. Whats the Significance of the Worldwide Monoliths. Since it is unlikely that the Aboriginals sailed the globe in ancient times, the carvings must have been created by an ancient Egyptian civilization. [3] From the mid 1990s, the site started to receive more public attention. The Egyptian crypt and engravings, dedicated to the memory of the son of a Pharaoh, was constructed close to the Durramullan rock platform and could only be created with the consent of the local Aboriginals. This fact alone validates the script as genuine. Theres an enormous red gum here (known as the Grandmother Tree) and a path winding up into the rocks. Kariong was once believed to mean meeting place in the local Aboriginal language, and that is how it is described by the Geographical Names Board.[2]. Demise Of Cambodian City Angkor Caused By Decline In Occupation And Not Abrupt Collapse. He came from the House of God. * Readers, we try to ensure that everything you read on Playing in Puddles is accurate at the time of publication, but please understand that businesses relocate, managers move on and places change. Park your car here and follow the bush trail. [4] For two seasons (eight months) he directed us eastward, weary, but strong to the end. Furthermore, The National Parks and Wildlife Service maintains the engravings are not authentic and a professor from Macquarie Universitys Ancient History Department, Boyo Ockinga shares the same views. In 1983, David Lamber, then a rock art conservator for the National Parks and Wildlife Service, found some clean-cut hieroglyphs which he estimated to be less than twelve months old. The Gosford Glyphs33.4518 S, 151.3030 ECheck out the carvings in local sandstone dating back at least till the 1960's when first discovered the partially c. [7] Plants are withering, Land is dying. Although Steve Strong was unable to join us, we were happy to meet Evan and have him share some of the work that he and his father had been doing for many years. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-12-14/glyphs-reax/4428134, https://www.ancient-code.com/translated-this-is-what-the-5000-year-old-ancient-egyptian-hieroglyphs-in-australia-say/, https://ancientneareast.org/2012/04/21/the-gosford-glyphs-hoax-part-4/, http://karionghieroglyphs.blogspot.com/p/the-npws-reluctantly-conduct-regular.html, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SjbEqjrdrYw/UxREmwHYXnI/AAAAAAAAAWw/1dTMc5qCV0g/s1600/NPWS+letter.jpg, Https://Mattbelair.Com/208-the-Ancient-Egyptian-Creation-Story-with-Egyptologist-Mohamed-Ibrahim-Top-Consciousness-Podcast/, https://mattbelair.com/208-the-ancient-egyptian-creation-story-with-egyptologist-mohamed-ibrahim-top-consciousness-podcast/, https://hiddenincatours.com/gosford-glyphs-did-the-ancient-egyptians-visit-australia/, https://www.slideshare.net/rmdejonge/go-sford-4, https://wiza.co/d/university-of-illinois-at-chicago/095e/ray-johnson, https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/topic/224889-merged-the-kariong-glyphs/, https://docplayer.net/24987833-Ancient-egyptians-in-australia.html, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/boyo-ockinga, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/naguib-kanawati, http://www.fakearchaeology.wiki/index.php?title=Gosford_Glyphs&oldid=4402. Heres How To Get Started! Some claim they are authentic Proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved by Egyptians over 4,500 years ago, but nearly all academics and relevant authorities dismiss them as merely an elaborate forgery. Mr Strong says preliminary scans recently carried out on the bone conclude it has the same density as a human bone. Last February, Beatrice Awyan and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. Professor Boyo Ockinga says it is likely the engravings were made in the 1920s, when there was widespread interest in ancient Egypt after the discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. This translation, and all others like it, has not been verified by any genuine Egyptologists, mostly because they have come to a consensus on the glyphs not being organized enough to tell a story, as well as the fact that some of the glyphs were not created and used until thousands of years after the carving was supposedly made.[1]. These engravings numbering over 300 have the potential to re-write Australian history. Itd be wonderfulbut Im afraid its just not possible. First of all the way theyre cut is not the way ancient Egyptian rock inscriptions are produced, theyre very disorganized, he said. [23] Oh God, reach down your hands, and make the Land green. On this large platform, Strong and his team saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols. [2] My fellow Egyptians call out from this place in this strange land for the god SUTI. This site is no hoax, but a genuine archaeological discovery; as is proven by the newly discovered 2nd set of glyphs. Get directions now. In addition, Ray Johnson had no formal training in translating Egyptian/proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs. 82 Outdoor Activities on the Central Coast, Kids Birthday Parties on the Central Coast, The Best Things for Toddlers + Preschoolers. The Gosford Glyphs as they have been named are located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney. I was especially enchanted by the Grandmother Tree, a huge leaning angophora treewhich has stood tall for hundreds of years, just a few steps from the sandstone rocks blanketed with ancient inscriptions. This is where the fun really begins! Pasco, L. (2011, May 17). We've found the Coast's best cafes for families! From here it is an easy walk to the glyphs. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. Strong who visited the site says "what really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. Professor Ockinga says as much as he would like the glyphs to be genuine, there is no doubt they are fakes. May he have life everlasting. Many, like professor Ockinga, would love for the glyphs to be legitimate ones. [10] He, who died before, is here laid to rest. Since their discovery in the 1970s, they have long been dismissed as fakes by authorities and most experts but there are still ongoing attempts to prove the theory they were carved by . Nonetheless, it is an interesting site. Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. In fact, Australian Egyptologist, Professor Naguib Kanawatifirmly believes the intricate set of hieroglyphs they are not authentic,saying how ancient hieroglyphs within the same panels were of widely different periods in history and some of them were even carved backward. Egyptologist debunks new claims about Gosford glyphs.. Alternatively they could have been carved bya hoaxer in the 1970/80s. [13] All creek and river beds are dry, and we are dismayed. Check out these videos which explain the history behind the curious hieroglyphs. One of Sydney's oldest graveyards hides in plain sight behind a hospital. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article, These engineers break their silenceafterdecade of criticism over2011 Queensland flood handling, Police shoot man dead after being called to reported domestic violence incident in Sydney's south west, Anna called police to report an assault, but it backfired and she lost her home. Interestingly, claims that said hieroglyphs are a modern forgery are contested by numerous Egyptologists likeMohamed Ibrahim and Khemit School Co-DirectorYousef Abdel Hakim Awyan(who has studied ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs his entire life) (source). For another link to Egypt see our post on the Ku-ring-Gai Sphinx. From here it is an easy walk to the glyphs. They were first reported in 1975 by Alan Dash, a local surveyor who had been visiting the area for seven years. [22] Remember with love his nobel spirit. [8] The Sun is pouring down upon our back! [1] FOR HIS HIGHNESS, THE PRINCE, from this wretched place in this land, where we were carried by ship. WordPress.Com. Archaeologists have also yet to find any mummified remains from the deceased prince buried near the wall of the glyphs. "There's also a problem with the actual shapes of the signs that are used. The translated Gosford Glyphs state the following: THE EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHS ON THE EAST WALL: call out from this place in this strange land, Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt. 1. Then clasp him, my Brothers Spirit to thy side, O Father of the Earth. They can be cheeky, nippy, and playful but these camels are also helping put a business on the map, Sherpa are world famous for their work, which is synonymous with their name. Kariong's first British settler was W.H. Both Rudi and I explored this, looking for more glyphs, but found . [10] He, who died before, is here laid to rest. But a group of researchers led by historian Steven Strong has recently discovered a new smaller set of hieroglyphs nearby, and is also investigating a complex, labyrinth of angular tunnels cut deep into the rock beneath the original set of engravings. [1], It is also worth noting that even though it's been confirmed by many archaeologists to be a hoax, if the Gosford Glyphs were genuine Egyptian glyphs from 4-5,000 years ago, archaeologists wouldn't be trying to hid or cover that up. The Gosford glyphs origin remain a mystery What are the Kariong Glyphs? How do I manage my Childs transition back to school during COVID-19? These Egyptologists include: Australian Associate Professor Boyo Ockinga from Macquarie University's Ancient History Department[1], who has a Dphil in Egyptology[12]; Australian Egyptologist, Professor Naguib Kanawati[2], who has a Masters degree and Doctorate in Egyptology[13]; and American Ray W. Johnson, an Egyptologist at the University of Chicago[4]. Evidently the interest in Egyptian culture was enough to know correct glyphs but not enough to know the chronology of those glyphs. Activities for 5-10 year olds Kids 10+ Social-Distanced Activities. Intrepid explorers have scrambled up the tight gap between two sandstone rockfaces, emerging into a narrow passage, to examine the hieroglyphs. Australia Hieroglyphics Gosford. [11] During his translating, Von Senff used several logical fallacies such as "The fact that it is a Proto-Egyptian scrip, hence pre-dynastic, is fully overlooked by experts. Both are master guides of ancient Egypt; Yousef having been trained by his father, and Mohamed being a university trained academic and tour operator. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of AncientPages.com, Legendary Ynglings: Descendants Of The Norse Gods And Oldest Scandinavian King Dynasty, Runes Were Just As Advanced As Roman Alphabet Writing New Study, Ancient Burials Of Worlds First Horse Riders Found Near The Black Sea, Clevelands Prehistoric Sea Monster Had A Mouth Twice As Large As A Great White Shark, Mysterious Bronze Age Golden Tomb Unearthed In Armenia. So either the travelers, who had not planned to dig a grave or mummify any of the crew/passengers aboard their ship, dug an extremely deep hole to bury the mummified remains in, or there is no prince buried there. 2. The glyphs resemble ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and, although most genuine archaeologists have dismissed the idea that they're over 5000 years old and . Then, Nefer-Ti-Ru was bitten by a snake twice and died from the poison. This time we take a look at some remarkable hieroglyphs that appear to be ancient Egyptian in origin. The consensus amongst Egyptologists who have visited and studied the glyphs is that they are a hoax, and one filled with several inconsistencies and errors. We were also honored to be accompanied byStella Wheildon, who has been entrusted with the gift of the wisdom of the Ngarakwal traditional lore, given to her by Mrs Marlene Boyd, a direct bloodline to country descendant of the Seven Sisters Starlore the ancient matrilineal culture of traditions, lore and customs of the Bird Tribes of Australia. [1] They glyphs were "discovered" in the mid to late 20th century. You and your kids will be able to spot carvings of birds, fish, beetles, people and more. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. [7] This statement has been disproved by most Egyptologists, whom agree that whoever carved the Gosford Glyphs actually didn't have much knowledge of the glyphs due to their disorganized nature and the varying chronology of the glyphs.[1]. Her vibrant spirit touched me deeply, and I know that memories of her inspiring legacy of service and achievements will live on in the hearts of many.). Skeptics and Egyptologists claim that they are simply graffiti, but Strong is convinced they are real and could be traced back to the ancient Egyptians who visited Australia in a remote past. The village of about fifteen families, mostly workers at the training school, was first called Kendall Heights, then Penang Mountain. Dr. [4], The parallel walls upon which the glyphes are carved, Miscellaneous symbols, including a sphinx and the Eye of Horus, Egyptian God Anubis, the largest carving on the site. [5] These are now generally dismissed as a hoax. [18] We walled in the side entrance to the chamber. Ignoring, for the time being, the credentials of what is or isnt engraved on the two walls, there is a bounty of evidence that validates Darkinjung Elder, Aunty Beve Spiers, declaration that not only are some of the Kariong glyphs Egyptian, but there are other glyphs which are of an older tradition that are not Egyptian and were made by our people. Were they the work, as some believe, of two Egyptian princes shipwrecked on the Australian continent? The message is simple: it confirms not only the death of Nefer-Ti-Ru but the exact place of his internment. A new set of hieroglyphs were found, filmed and interpreted. [21] He, who doesnt belong to this place, will not return home to the town of Penu. The glyphs are here. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. The remarkable hieroglyphs indicate the presence of Egyptians in Australia beginning at around 5,000 years ago, which means these glyphs form a pivotal and historic epitaph to an Australian history very few suspect. [8] The Sun is pouring down upon our back! "First of all the way they're cut is not the way ancient Egyptian rock inscriptions are produced, they're very disorganised," he said. There have been several other documented changes to the glyphs, including additional lines being carved into the glyph of Anubis' ears. For other ideas about what to see in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories. Despite that, Ray Johnson created most of the above translation as the primary translator. According to numerous pieces of evidence, the ancient Egyptian civilization was extremely well-developed, which allowed them to construct powerful trans-oceanic ships, which according to numerous authors, may have taken them not only to the American continent but Australia as well. ", He suggested that the glyphs might have been made in the 1920s by Australian soldiers when there was general interest in ancient Egypt after the uncovering of the Tomb of Tutankhamun at that time. Written byEllen Lloyd - AncientPages.com, Copyright AncientPages.com All rights reserved. Ages: This walk is best suited to kids aged five and up. The Bible, Flying Machines, And How Enoch And Prophet Elijah Were Taken To The Grass and Other Organisms Add New Leaf to Darwinian Evolution, Ancient Aliens And Apollo 20: NASA, Moon Cities And Alien Tech, Video shows military personnel transporting alleged Roswell Alien. [3], The glyphs were also added to in the 1980, which is known because of David Lambert, a rock art expert who examined them in 1983. Kariong's boundaries include a considerable section of the Brisbane Water National Park to the south, and the Mount Penang Parklands, with its native gardens. Khufu's children are fairly well documented, so it doesn't make sense that there are no records of these two specifically. The Glyphs have several myths about their origin. Navigate through the small passage in the rocks to the site. Considered a hoax by many, and ultimate evidence of ancient Egyptian trans-oceanic voyages by others, the curious set of symbols has produced mixed views from researchers around the globe. There's no way people would've been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that weren't invented until 2500 years later. There is also a carving of the ancient Egyptian god Anubis.[3]. We believe what the Elders revealed during our interview (Egyptians in Australia-Part 2) is the final word and must be accepted as such, for they speak on behalf of their ancestors who were there at the time of arrival. Even in the unlikely scenario that some of the glyphs on the western wall had been carved 5,000 years ago, the recent additions to those glyphs and the eastern wall would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prove. Location: The starting point is at the top of Bambara Road, Kariong. Theres no way people wouldve been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that werent invented until 2500 years later. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kariong,_New_South_Wales&oldid=1106750674. However, there are those who disagree with the above scholars and say the hieroglyphs are not only authentic but tell a story unlike any other. That claim is one that Egyptologist who have scholarly experience or education in translating and/or identifying glyphs have disproven several times. These two princes are not mentioned in any sources outside the context of the Gosford Glyphs as having existed, much less being King Khufu's sons. He, the servant of God, said God created the insects to protect his people. According to "Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums", "Dr. Hans Dieter Von Senff has a degree in Multicultural Studies from Newcastle University. There is a gate that prevents you from driving down Bambara Road. The primary translator, Australian Ray Johnson(as opposed to the American Egyptologist Ray Johnson), was not a scholarly Egyptologist as he had no formal education or professional experience in Egyptology. Dash continued to visit for five years and saw new glyphs whenever he visited. 5. The Original Elders past and present are adamant that ancient Egyptians are responsible for some of what is carved on stone walls: case closed. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. According to the 2016 census of Population, there were 6,385 people in Kariong. In the name of the spirit of the sanctuary at the town of Penu. The Gosford Glyphs (also called petroglyphs) are located near Kariong not far from Gosford on the New South Wales Central Coast. "There's a second shaft that runs down and the third one is a gallery that is big enough to park a car in." The Gosford Glyphs are a set of nearly 300 engravings in Brisbane Water National Park in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. The princes would have brought skilled scribes to do the carvings, so no matter how old the language being carved was(whether it was proto-Egyptian or Egyptian), the glyphs should be consistent to the style and craftsmanship of a trained scribe. Anyway, what is considered perhaps as the most controversial piece of evidence that supports the idea the ancient Egyptians made their way to different continents around the globe, are the so-called Gosford Glyphs, located in Australia. I reassured him while Rudi and I continued to examine the glyphs - some which looked more worn than others - and the nearby shaft. But modern Egyptologists note how there are many discrepancies when we look at the Gosford Glyphs. The chamber was aligned with the Western Heavens. Carefully find your way through the path in the scrub, then clamber up through the rocks to discover the glyphs on sandstone walls. Facilities: There are no bathroom facilities available, and youll need to take your own water. We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it. Our boats are tied up with rope. "Now these are factual things that we're finding and then I've also been given a metal piece of jewellery that doesn't have iron or lead, it's got a figure of someone kneeling on it and there it is right between the two walls," he said. The Gosford Hieroglyphs, or "Gosford Glyphs" for short, are a series of strange, deep-cut markings on a rock in Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Team, A. C. (2017, November 16). Von Senff also holds a Bachelor of Arts- English Literature, Australian Defense Studies and German from the University of Queensland and has a Ph.D. in Germanistics." [Merged] The Kariong Glyphs. The Kariong Hieroplyphs or Gosford Glyphs are pseudo-Egyptian Hieorglyphs, first found in 1975, their origin is unknown but they are believed to have been done not long before their discovery. This trail is an easy walk down a wide bush path to access them. Tips: Make sure everyone is wearing enclosed shoes, or even better, gum boots its often muddy. Gosford Hieroglyphs - Our Mysterious Earth Near Gosford NSW (60km North of Sydney) on the Central Coast of Australia a few kilometers down a dirt bush track can be found the Australian Mystery. A group of amateur researchers has sparked new interest in the site, having found a new, smaller set of hieroglyphs in the area. The glyphs site at Kariong features almost 300 engravings on two sandstone walls, which some believe are an example of an early form of Egyptian writing and have drawn widespread interest over the years. No purchase necessary. It was not long before they were both bustling with enthusiasm over what they were discovering! The National Parks and Wildlife Service maintains the engravings are not authentic, as does Associate Professor Boyo Ockinga from Macquarie University's Ancient History Department, who is currently on an archaeological dig in Luxor, Egypt. Translated: This is what the 5,000-year-old ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia say. "Egyptologist debunks new claims about 'Gosford glyphs', The stories and legends behind the hieroglyphs in Kariong, "Ancient Egyptians lived near Woy Woy: fact or fantasy? Mr Strong says new evidence has come to light. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Our Harts are overturned, but not broken. Some claim that the Gosford glyphs were made by college students, while others insist .

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