the culmination of the strategic management process is:

c. analyses; strategies Analyzing the firm's ______ environment, such as operations, may uncover potential sources of competitive advantage. Typically, the formulation process starts with an assessment of available resources, an industry analysis to assess the competitive environment in which the company operates . Organizational stakeholders include Determine organizational readiness. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. In a diversified firm, corporate-level strategy is concerned with: determining in which businesses to compete and how resources will be allocated between businesses. b. achieve strategic competitiveness. b. only top managers Environmental and internal scanning is the next stage in the process. We present a model of the strategic management process in Figure 1.7, Overall Model of the Strategic Management Process. Which statement about the triple bottom line is true? \end{array} A ______ is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage. It is a . c. the lack of an organizational mission for the school board. During the analysis step of the strategic management process managers are concerned with the company's ______. In order to cope with hyper competition, firms need to develop ___ through continuous learning. a. one corporate-level strategy. Generally speaking, product market stakeholders are satisfied when: a firm achieves a balance between profit margins, costs paid to suppliers and prices set for customers, Before liquidating during a bankruptcy, a company will take several actions to try to satisfy its ____ stakeholders. Figure 1.7: Kindred Grey (2020). The culmination of the strategic management process is: Managers must adopt a new mind-set that values ______ and the challenges that evolve from constantly changing conditions. True/False, Although organizational cultures vary considerably, one cannot make an objective judgement that some organizational cultures are more or less functional than others in terms of ethical considerations. In the instance, the implementation . In strategic management, effectiveness can best be described as ______. Planning extensive employee training and hiring educated and experienced employees. (Check all that apply.). Strategic management is a process that requires the ability to manage change wherein executives must be cautious to monitor and to interpret the events in their environment as well taking appropriate actions to ensure that their firm to survive and thrive over time. Accordingly, the strategic management and planning process consists of sequential five key steps; (i) Goal setting, (ii) Analysis strategy formation, (iii) Strategy formation, (iv) Strategy . This activity is important because proper use of strategic management techniques . b. located in different areas and levels. are established. . Firms use both the _____and______models. Even for companies capable of succeeding in global markets, it is critical that they, The rate of technological diffusion is increasing. b. weak competition It is important to emphasize that almost all strategic management process decisions have ______ because they are related to how a firm interacts with its stakeholders. ______ is performing similar activities better than rivals do. Broad Plans Shaping: In this continuous process, the formulation & implementation of broader plans are made and finally, these are also controlled. What are the four steps of the strategic management process? (Check all that apply. A company competing in a single product market has. Research shows that approximately___percent of a firm's profitability is explained by the industry in which it competes, whereas (B) team-based. D. $43,375. c. rare; costly to imitate. a. are willing to be brutally honest. Characteristics of Strategic Management. b. easy to imitate; difficult to implement. 90; 10 ______ is an investor's uncertainty about the economic gains or losses that will result from a particular investment. a. power of each stakeholder Retrieved from is a statement of a firm's business in which it intends to compete and the customers it intends to serve. (Check all that apply. Retrieved from A company had a beginning balance in retained earnings of $52,000. Strategic management is directed toward a company's ______. ______ innovation is a term used to describe how rapidly and consistently new, information-intensive technologies replace older ones. \begin{array}{llr} b. an important source of competitive advantage in virtually all industries. a. disruptive technologies. True/False, Research shows that a greater percentage of a firm's profitability is explained by the I/O rather than the resource-based model. Defend your answer. Successful strategic leaders are Strategic management process can be described as a set of managerial decisions and actions which determines the long-run direction and performance of the organization'. Social responsibility is the expectation that businesses or individuals will strive to ______. The first step in the strategic management process is to evaluate where you're going, and why. There are provisions to create, implement and appraise . 3. d. inclusive. Strategy evaluation is the process by which the management assesses how well a chosen strategy has been implemented and how successful or otherwise the strategy is. In the resource-based model, which of the following factors would be considered a key to organizational success? During the ______ step in the strategic management process, managers answer two questions: what industries should we compete in and how should we compete in those industries? d. All of these options are correct. Strategic management is when you identify and develop strategies developing strategies for employees to follow in order to perform better and achieve a competitive edge. The strategic management process is. It is important to emphasize that, primarily because they are related to how a firm interacts with its stakeholders, almost all strategic management process decisions have a. maximizing the firm's return on investment. c. hypercompetition; technology diffusion. Strategic management is a process that involves building a careful understanding of how the world is changing, as well as a knowledge of how those changes might affect a particular firm. Disruptive Inside CRM Editors. The development of these goals, however, requires a strategic management process to be done correctly and thoroughly. Retrieved from The global economy, globalization, rapid technological change, and the increasing importance of knowledge are creating the need to: delegate strategic responsibilities to employees "closer to the action". A firm's mission c. the key to earning above-average returns is strategic flexibility. A ______ is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage. True/False, Ms.Smith is a strategic leader of the firm. A(n) ______ includes both the company's purpose as well as the basis of competition and competitive advantage. It improves the company's problem-solving and prevents capabilities. areas, are relatively rare. It guides the company to move in a specific direction. Chapter 3 Evaluating the External Environment examines the topic of evaluating the external environment in detail, and Chapter 4 Evaluating the Internal Environment presents concepts and tools for managing firm resources. All businesses can benefit from strategic management to help them meet long-term objectives. Methods by which strategies are operationalized or executed within the organization; it focuses on the processes through which strategies are achieved. b. determining how each functional department of the firm will operate. What is the Strategic Management process? d: 70: 3884478507 Product market stakeholders include the firm's customers, and the principal concern of this stakeholder group is b. argues that the industry environment has a stronger influence on firms' ability to implement strategies By following this process, organizations can ensure their plans are aligned . c. weak competitors in the industry. 1. innovationisatermusedtodescribehowrapidlyandconsistentlynewinformation from BADM 4801 at George Washington University The mission of IIM Lucknow is to improve management systems with regard to business, industry and public services through pursuit of excellence in management education, research, consultancy and training. a. their return on investment has been maximized. a. In Chapter 2 Assessing Organizational Performance, we focus on how the organizations mission and vision shape the development of the firms strategy. b. strategy This behavior has existed for decades, even as the membership in the school board has changed over time. d. the interests of all stakeholders have been at least minimally satisfied, The Chambers of Commerce of cities and towns often implore citizens to buy from local businesses. In this latter case, performance is the result of a rare event that is itself the culmination of a long and ongoing process of daily . The video for this lesson explains the strategic management process. . The five stages of the process are: setting goals or objectives, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation, and strategy monitoring. The interests of an organization's stakeholders often conflict, and the organization must prioritize its stakeholders if it cannot satisfy them all. Financial markets often place an emphasis on managers meeting ______ performance goals. c. economics. It offers courses accredited to AMBA, AACSB & NIRF. At the same time, firms must evaluate their own resources to understand how they might react to changes in the environment. a. located only at the executive level. d. The Internet. b. regardless of their location in the organization (Check all that apply.). . a. committed to helping the firm create value for all stakeholder groups. $$ Strategic management is the organization's analysis, decision-making, and actions to create and maintain a competitive advantage (Gurel Emet, 2017;Tapera, 2014). . - Resource analysis to select workforce and assign suitable tasks. True or false: The most effective organizations have strong leaders at the top who make all the decisions that the rest of the organization then carries out. ), Which of the following are examples of business-level strategies? Which of the following statements about operational effectiveness are correct? It determines which business(es) should be in the company's portfolio. Here are the key elements of strategic management. . ), what business(es) should the company compete in. Ideally, you already have some goal materials in place, including: Your vision statement. CEOs, such as late Apple founder Steve Jobs, must be able to carefully manage the possible actions that their firms might take to deal with changes that occur in their environment. ______ analysis is the starting point of the strategic management process and includes the advanced work that must be done to effectively formulate and execute strategies. d. Revenue. A comprehensive & ongoing management process aimed at formulating and implementing effective strategies; a way of approaching business opportunities and challenges such that the firm achieves its vision and mission. Let us take a look at the five conventional functions of the management process. 1. d. global dimensions. c. employees. Strategic management process is a method by which managers conceive of and implement a strategy that can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage. b. global competition. Knowledge is composed of all the following EXCEPT Defining strategic management is important to build a cohesive and sustainable business model. d. strategy. (D) inclusive. In the POLC framework, where does strategy formulation take place? University of Malta. It is a continuous process of analyzing and evaluating an organization's internal and external environment, setting objectives and goals, developing strategies, and implementing and controlling those strategies. When resources and capabilities serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm, the firm has created a(n) Organizational goals and objectives should represent what is best for ______. A vision statement can lead to missed opportunities when it ______. It defines organization's goals and fixes realistic objectives, which are in alignment with the company's vision. Certainly, part of Apples success is due to the unique products it offers the market, as well as how these products complement one another. Sue prefers the Red Shuttle because it gets her to the airport in an hour and a half, while the Blue Shuttle takes $80$ minutes. d. organization's stakeholders. c. strategy formulation. d. unions, Organizational stakeholders are usually satisfied when Introduction. Strategic management can also be described as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which determine the result of the business's performance. Effective strategic leaders successfully than does the competitor environment. b. resources to implement strategies are firm-specific and attached to firms over the long-term. a. telephone d. a charity's endowment of $400 million. It should seek to diversify. A.$2,375. It is important to consider that the decision: has ethical implications for organizational stakeholders. Strategic management is directed toward the organization's overall organizational ________ and ______. The steps for identifying the profit pools in an industry include all of the following EXCEPT vision. The SWOT is then used to formulate the strategic issue(s) that the firm must deal with as it formulates strategies. Consequently, how managers understand and interpret the performance of their firms is often central to understanding strategy. Capital market stakeholders include d. companies are paying the highest prices to suppliers, Product market stakeholders include Strategic management is the effective handling of a firm's resources to achieve its set objectives and goals. Synonymous with business planning and strategic planning. New markets created by iPods, PDAs, and Wi-Fi are a result of c. personal computer As a result, virtually all of the assets under her control are fully depreciated. (Check all that apply.). The firm added to its plant and equipment in the past few years. The strategic management process is a six-step process that encompasses (covers) strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation. d. located at different levels, but only in the operating area of the organization, . d. firms in given industries, or given industry segments, are assumed to control similar strategically relevant resources. a. analyses; strengths a. d. hypercompetition within the industry. Because strategic management is directed toward overall organizational goals and objectives, it has the perspective of organizational versus _______ rationality. Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. Make Better business decisions: It is important to understand the difference between a great idea and a good idea. 2. The message of the ad is that this firm's accountants love their work. D) analysis. a. overload middle managers. Strategy execution management is the evolution of traditional project delivery. b. strategy implementation. Which of the following are needed in order for entrepreneurial initiatives to be successful? True/False, The I/O (industrial organization) model assumes that the uniqueness of a firm's resources and capabilities is the main source of above-average returns. The value of SWOT analysis parallels ideas from classic military strategists such as Sun Tzu, who noted the value of knowing yourself as well as your opponent. c. the firm's actions to exploit its competitive advantage over rivals. d. analysis. a. at the top of the organization coordinating and integrating activities within the firm and with suppliers and customers, Strategy implementation involves ______. In such a . c. the CEO and top managers It assists the firm in becoming proactive, rather than reactive, to make it analyse the actions of the competitors and take necessary . 2. Chapter 10 Executing Strategy through Organizational Design offers ideas on how to manage these elements of implementation. Which statement is true? Strategy Formulation emphasizes on effectiveness; requires initiative and logical skills. Between 2008 and 2010, Apple filed more than 350 cases with the US Patent and Trademark Office to protect its use of such terms as apple, pod, and safari (Apple Inc.). True/False, Developed countries still have major advantages in their access to information technology when compared to emerging countries because of the significant cost of the infrastructure needed for computing power. Strategic management helps in planning the tools, mechanisms, processes and strategies in achieving the goals and fulfilling the vision of the organization. a. defining the boundaries of the pool. d. analysis. b. psychology. Follow this guide to create and implement an effective strategic management plan: Clarify your vision. b. a firm's profit margin yields an above-average return to its capital market stakeholders. If the profitability of the company is higher than before and other companies, then it means that you have achieved a competitive edge. a. a set of activities that will assure a sustainable competitive advantage and above-average returns for the firm. What are the four levels of a company's strategy formulation? When managers refer to their organizational boundaries they mean both ______ and ______ boundaries. a. operating each individual business under the corporate umbrella. To have the potential to become sources of competitive advantage, resources and capabilities must be non- substitutable, valuable, , and The culmination of the strategic management process is: performance Although an organization's good reputation is a valuable resource that takes years of superior marketplace competence to achieve, it is not a good basis for building a competitive advantage because it can be destroyed almost instantly by bad publicity. a. competitive resilience Apple Inc. c. employees. people throughout the organization strive toward overall goals. They involve balancing culture and boundaries or constraints.

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