are blonde hair and blue eyes superior

I am of Danish & Scottish decent. You know your stuff in this regard, so Id value your opinion. Before we answer that question, lets take a look at some eye color history. In Samoa the fish voluntarily jump from the lagoon into your frying pan, leaving you the remaining 23 hours to pick your nose: in rural Michigan you had better spend the majority of the day to provide for the long winter nights; both with fuel and food. Maybe not. For centuries white skin has been considered more beautiful among Asians and is associated with wealth and power, particularly with the Chinese from which most cultural influence in Asia descends. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a29c76cece0c54c The second version of the flavians, around 400 AD, seems to stem from the Jews Titus brought to Rome. Nazi propaganda posters, photographs, and films showed people who fit this ideal. The other problem is the source, the sociologist Christie Davies. People with blue eyes and born with blonde hair often do not have blonde hair throughout their life. Hitler favored Aryans (blond- haired, blue- eyed) (cookie cutters) due to the fact that he thought that they were a "pure race." Aryans were at the ranked at the top of the racial pyramid (second was Southern Europeans and at the bottom was dark skinned people.) Backed up by the Wehrmachts Fremde Heere Ost, its intelligence component. Yes, it is the beauty standard. That doesnt mean complex conspiracy theories! The pale green and blue undertones of this medium blonde shade pairs gorgeously with pale to medium cool skin tones with pink undertones. This age-old question has been at the fore front of many a beauty contest over the years. I see two different things going on here at the same time. I limited the survey to those of presumably northern European ancestry and found that 48% of the 224 males and 43% of the 266 females were blond. Since that is your bailiwick, could you enrich me/us with a few words on said topic ? One small example: The dictator of Belarussia Lukashenko. In north Georgia we excavated Cherokee cultures, which the U of Michigan carbon-dated for us at ca. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Toriyama said he based the new look off a familiar icon. From my parents on down, I can count 8 true blondes out of 17 individuals. 03 Both came together through the Treaty of Rapallo, allowing Germany to circumvent many of its Versailles re-armament restrictions. I think being coordinated and graceful is superior to being clumsy, unfortunately I'm the latter. I imagine a large part of it is an envy of sort, as well as them being less common features. Rich, intense pigments cover even stubborn grays. Again, I must say this is just my observations, so I could well be wrong. I will start with information about the origin of people with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has been talking about how ridiculous it is to judge someone based on the color of . Generally speaking, blondes have over 100,000 more hair as compared to people of other hair colors. #theylive #theylivemovie #theylivefullmovie. What awaits the victors of this tournament, and the vanquished?! Unless you are some kind of ideological activist, you can not separate the two things: beauty and racial similarity. A lot to digest, yes, but that is the short story on how and why White Europeans possess light hue features. Is it too much to write National Socialist? It's constantly shrugged off as "the media makes people THINK they like blonde hair and blue eyes, but really they like drab fat women", no, people (and then some, which I'll get into later) truely innately prefer blonde haired, blue eyed, women. Large noses, large chins and small lips are the quintessential features. Because his ideology was not based in logic, science or virtue. I recall Boris Johnson, as Mayor of London, at the end of the Peking Olympics, walking past a long lineup of 6ft. That is why; it is not that uncommon to have blonde hair. Their Y-haplogroups were, respectively, I2a, C2a, and I2a of which only the I2 subclade exists now amongst modern Euro peoples. Due to abrahamic religions, mainly Islam, everything between India and Turkey is a sterile desert, physically, intellectually and spiritually. It must be Concordia University, founded in 1926, in northwest Austin (Texas), not NW Texas. You may even become an inspiration to other people. The people from the south had blue eyes and relatively dark skin. Im very grateful you are here to impart your vast knowledge gained through life experience and your very sharp mind. The "Universal Survival" saga is part of the recent simulcast agreement that sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation have scored.,,,,made%20in%20the%20skin%20following%20UVB%20light%20exposure,,,,,,,,,,, CurialesDutch nationalist-conservative website. Blue eyes are more common, existing in something like a quarter of White Americans and perhaps half of White Britons. Now, we know that blue eyes are more common with blonde hair but why? Unlike the west where people are considered better looking who have a tan; in Japan whiter skin is considered pretty. The people from the northeast, on the other hand, had a variation of eye colours and pale skin. It has a more mythic feel. Nordic Europeans and their descendants are not the only ones having a history in cold climates. Another inspiring and well researched essay from Dr. Thomas Dalton. The main point is this, White people, and blond-haired people have a right to exist and not to be presented as something needing to be replaced. How disappointing, if, in the process, we too turn into narrow-minded country bumkins without even having voted for the woke ! Therefore, if you notice that your eyes appear to be blue when you look at yourself in the mirror, then it is likely that you may have some form of blue eyes. __________________________ For some fans,. This silence is telling. hellen means bright.). Do you know the probability of being struck by lightning? It was a false ideology that there was, at one time, a master race that existed that had, among many other characteristics, blonde hair and blue eyes. There are lots of colleges and schools that offer financial aid for students who have blue eyes and blonde hair. He had blue eyes!! 1:30. Since the gene for brown is dominant over blue, the belief was a blue-eyed person would. (after all, it was a product of Nazi Germany). Of course this was as nothing compared to our superior action on Dresden, where the Anglo-Saxons incinerated over 100,000 original Saxons in three days around St Valentines Day; after the War was effectively over. These blacks that moved from Africa after so many years, evolution started taking place. Unfortunately I cant attach it to this post but Ill send it email if you want to refer to it. Ive not been convinced of the confirmed truth of this theory. Addeddate. I have light blond hair and blue eyes. These people would have to have had brown hair to have the recessive gene, which will turn them all brown-eyed. 2. Of course, this whole area of study has been discouraged since the war and the most reliable surveys were done earlier early enough to be available for Carleton Coon. Regardless I would say people with brown or dark hair aswell as green eyes are no less smart or genious than blondes. The combination is not often talked about as both colors are fairly common but it's effective nonetheless. As I explain in great detail, even a cursory glance at Greco-Roman statuary reveals an astonishing lack of femininity. Copy. By India Today Web Desk: In a TV interview with the BBC, Ukraine's deputy chief prosecutor David Sakvarelidze said the war situation unfolding in his country was "very emotional" for him because "European people with blue eyes and blonde hair" were being killed every day. Same with the Flavian family in Rome, (Vespasian, Titus etc.) Same reason Voldemort was a blood purist when in fact he was half-blood. However, make sure that you take your time looking around before you decide on which school to apply to. The remainder of northern France, Russia and Ukraine, as well as Ireland, western Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, western Austria, Poland and Slovakia were 35-50% blond. He just happened to be good at all of those things. Is it safe to say that more than 5% of Whites have lived in or are descended from the cold climates? The whole thing is sick. The National Socialists did not consider everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes to be superior at all, this is war time and allied propaganda. Fortunately, this is a very common question to get. Cold is good for brains is an old idea. Abundant, extant film clips ! Why these people and not others? By 2003 the population was about 65% White and 55% northern European. The color of our hair, skin, and eyes is determined by the same thing: the amount of pigment they have. Only in America have I seen attempts to culturally reverse this natural tendency, but it is doomed to fail. So she has talent, beauty and brains, youd imagine shed have a high moral character, but no. Her eyes betrayed a sternness, but also a great capacity for kindness, helpfulness and understanding. But theres not a single other brunette only lightish brownettes. 20 Why in hell would anyone expect us to apologize, for kicking in their door three weeks prematurely ? On campus is a Wendish bell that looks very attractive in the picture. The most obvious problem is that the category of American adults are only about 65% European and less than 60% Northern European, which is the population to which the term Aryan ideal applies. But its very different when I make an image search on the internet with the key words: black people Omo valley. This is to ensure that your natural beauty shines through. And yet, some 60% to 70% of White women dye their hair blond at some point. Plenty of blondes in my family tree. Of course, you do not evaluate the beauty of a young White woman in the same way you would evaluate the beauty of an elephant, a Black person, a car or a bicycle. Superb workers and individuals who invited me for dinner and after. 4 and smudge it close to the lash line for a soft, diffused eye liner look (draw lines with 1-4 steps). This is about a 25% reduction in the proportion of blonds within the White population in less than a generation (23 years), which is difficult to explain other than by extensive mixture of northern Europeans with other Whites (blondness being a recessive trait) or by a major and sudden drop in the blond rate of reproduction, i.e., some new type of social-cultural selection against blond reproductive fitness. My mother and sister have beautiful blue eyes, mine are brown. . They were lighter skinned than the Western Hunter-Gatherers peoples of Europe, but still darker than the European average of today. Currently white-Asian pairings are common, especially in parts of the country where Asians are numerous, and hardly any of your followers even raise this as a potential threat to the survival of Nordic traits. Hence the strange similarities between greek mysticism (Pythagoras especially) and the Eastern philosophies. It looks stunning, particularly on light skin. By that standard definition the surveys consistently found that the native populations (before 1945 the European populations were almost all native) of Scandinavia, the coastal regions of the Baltic states, northern Germany, the northern Netherlands and eastern England were at least 65% blond, and the remainder of Germany, the Netherlands and England, as well as Flanders, Bohemia, eastern Austria, northern Switzerland, eastern Scotland, northwest Russia and the Normandy region of France, were at least 50% blond. Originally Answered: Are blonde & blue eyed humans more evolutionary advanced than others? People with fair eye colour have a little slower reaction time than people with brown eyes, which is definitely measurable. James, you are wrong about Nazi Germany. I was born with cotton white hair and blue eyes. 110 millions. That is something, at least. Regarding pigmentation, the most attractive combination in women is light eyes, dark hair and pale skin, simply because this combination achieves maximum contrast. 21 Though many millions paid with their lives, it saved as many in the future, throughout Europe. That is why; these people have a high rate of sun absorption. Down with the EU, the Eurasian Union. The cuneiform tablets of Hammurabi describe a god called Ia or Iave who seems to be the origin of Jehova. That such a large change could occur in just 23 years without being widely noticed and commented on, and without a very obvious cause, defies belief. When the manga returned, fans of Dragon Ball were introduced to an adult version of Son Goku, and the character only grew from there. 09 Nevertheless Hitler agreed to the very generous Haavara Agreement, which blocked Jewish money, but allowed its withdrawal for their purchase of German industrial output, required to open up Palestine. As Dr. Dalton correctly states, mother nature has gifted our race in many ways which has been universally admired for thousands of years. 15 In the same vein, Hess flew to Britain to explore peace, but ended up in the Tower and later in Spandau, only to die in an ambulance, manned by the British, en route to a hospital. 3 to the crease of the lid starting with the outer corner. How wonderful when we finally win this bout. The sun-kissed color seems practically meant for those with blue eyes. They look out of place. One after another, they mention what far-flung parts they come from. Robert for love of God, how much of the worlds population is strictly German? That said, blondes are either cool . 8,000 years. 10 As you probably dont know, East Prussia was separated from the Reich by Poland; often disregarding the euphonious Wilsonian public referenda. Charles Frey: You lost me at, Copy to your Hasbara Paymasters. Who uses terms like that? Thanks for your time. Regarding intelligence among the different groups of Europeans, I saw a breakdown that put Italians at the top, so who knows. I enjoyed Anthropology at university. You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. The genocidal effectiveness of this jewish strategy can be seen by the explosion of super wealthy non-white men around the world, be they oil rich Arab Sheiks, Narco Drug Cartel Bosses, black Hollywood or NFL or NBA celebrities or sports athletes 9 times out of 10, these darkies will surround themselves with a harem of great looking White European females. Ive never been there but you can read about it and see pictures here: There seems to be an era of history missing in our record. (See Friedrich Delitzsch Babel and the Bible). How will these intense team battles between the elites of each universe turn out?!". This tends to indicate a continuing evolution or selection, whether natural, sexual or cultural, in favor of these traits. Well, dont take me literally on that, but there wasnt much. I dont dislike David Irving. 07 Ever helpful, in 1929-30, Rothschilds Viennese Commerzbank brought 1929 US to Europe to lubricate the revolution a little. The researchers show that blue-eyed men find blue-eyed women most attractive. Imagine being a 21st century Nordicist., REPLY TO KRIS BELOW, WHICH OFFERS NO REPLY ONLY AN ABSURD LENGTH. That is why the eyes become blue in the absence of the melanin pigment, and the hair becomes blonde.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'bestgroomingtips_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestgroomingtips_com-leader-2-0'); In a nutshell, the colder climate in the North European region certainly impacts the hair color and the eye color of such individuals. --- Hitler himself didn't talk about blue eyes and fair. Again, using Hollywood and the mainstream media and TV networks to promote race mixing between White women and blacks, or with any male who isnt White. Humanity of all races seem to consciously or unconsciously prefer the white European standard in human beauty. Im not exactly up to date with much of this. (And Jesus is a fictitious Jewish hero, aping the indo european concept of the devine man, the Hero.). The more recent media labels of Orange Man for President Trump and the anti-white racial slur of Karen directed against white women are a few examples of mainstreaming this racial hatred based on our appearance. Main. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. . By Megan Peters Summary. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. The question is this: Why the silence over Nordic-Asian pairings that are just so stereotypically common and in the media constantly, and instead on a fixation with interbreeding with other *indigenous* Europeans? The earliest known presence of the blond hair allele was from an ANE related specimen from Cetral Asia dated to around 16-kYP. It may be just as important to know if the person you are looking at has green or tan eyes. This means that it will not be hard for you to get this scholarship. He killed all the people without blond hair or . I relied more directly on a map that I downloaded several years ago and cant locate on the web at this time using a reverse image search. The Yamnaya from the steppe who expanded to northern Europe starting circa 5,000 years ago were also largely descended from the Ancient North Eurasians, had light/intermediate skin color, variable eye color and some with blond hair. Ibiza, Spain, where many of the native population show marked genetically similarities to ancient Phoenician specimens, indeed moreso than modern Lebanese. English characters will be presented as having honey blonde or mousey hair (often with very pale skin in period settings), though some English males may be presented with glossy black hair combined with a pale skin tone and blue eyes for the Tall, Dark, and Handsome trope. Blue eyes are a recessive trait, brown a dominant trait. Oh, what a blessing, this our superior White intelligence, whose development is so pedantically explained here ! The spread of people with this genetic combination: 3. This subject seems to be totally beyond his area of expertise, which was the sociology of morality ( They used artificial irrigation, could foresee solar eclipses, cure diseases, build in stone etc. I used to be jealous but I've learned brown eyes can be stunning too. Topics. Laconic. Hwites have the highest SMV (sexual market value). It saw in the Nordic type the strongest leadership ability and the National Socialists thought leadership highly valuable for German recovery. Europe records the earliest light eyed people with the Western Hunter-Gatherers, who had varying shades of non-dark brown eye color, but still with dark skin and hair. By the time of the Mesolithic Era these WHGs, based on the ancient DNA finds, were almost all with light eye colors as judged by the genetics. It's actually just a genetic flaw. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Blue-eyed people do not have many choices when it comes to cosmetics, because their blue eyes cannot be exploited with any type of mascara that is being sold on the market. CF. Much of this does not seem acceptable to me. 19 Hess flew to England causing Stalin to wait for a possible British/German peace, which caused him to postpone his planned May 15 attack until the middle of July. There are stunningly beautiful and intelligent young performers on something as unexpected as Colombia has Talent. It happens not only for bone development but also for the robust immunization system of our body. Take a look at Italy: The more or less White Northern Italy produced the Renaissance, while the more or less semitic, dark Southern Italy produced criminal organisations like the Mafia, the Camorra, the Nhangreta, La Sacra Corona, and now there is even a Mafia Capitale in Roma. 12 It was the primarily Jewish NKVD, not the Gestapo, who committed the mass murder at Katyn, before Barbarossa. Lettuce, tomato, onion, roast beef, American cheese, extra mayo. Both of those groups had genes for light skin, so they genetically swamped the WHGs. 07/26/17. The other figures would seem to roughly correspond with the figures I cited for the proportions of blond hair in the native populations of northern Europe if one considers that in 1980 the American population was about 75% White, which would include esentially all of the blonds, and about 65% northern European, which would include over 95% of the blonds.

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