neptune conjunct mercury transit

Learning critical thinking will help you handle this placement, especially if you have a few squares, oppositions or water and fire aspects in your natal chart. The conjunct aspect takes place when two planets are stationed together in the same zodiac sign, borrowing from each others influences and working toward the same direction. March 16, 2023 Being told that what you see is not real, or that you are just imagining it may not be of great help as an adult. At times you can just ignore advice, openly or underhandedly, leading you into more hot water. Your mental qualities are being tested and its very difficult to communicate on the same page with others. You compassion for others increases. Jupiter in Astrology Meaning : Attain, Develop and Progress, What Does Saturn Mean In Astrology? You may discover secrets while you learn things about the hidden aspects of the mind. Learn to hold your tongue as not all things can be received by all people, discern who or who not you can be authentic with, dont be fake, but as I said, learn to hold your tongue. April 11, 2027 Short, quick and to the point. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. You have to carefully pick your friends, activities, and life goals because being around negativity or adverse conditions for a prolonged period can affect your life progression. If youre selling, make an official agreement or contract. While you can learn abundantly, the classroom is typically very open, and the world around you may offer many possibilities to broaden your outlook. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. Being in tune with the mystical, unseen and higher meanings is good, but you must learn to manage yourself and use logic to make your visions and inspirations known and understood by others. If you are teaching, you can make others understand easily. Neptune Conjunct Sun Transit The world suddenly seems to have a hazy glow and softness to it. United States. Your rational mind is confused, but your intuitive one is very sharp. Mercury conjunct Neptune natal heightens your senses to such a level, that the amount of information coming in can be difficult to process. As a result of ambiguity, misreading can occur, and many assumptions may lead to false ideas. It would be the ideal time to study arts because of your enhanced imagination and creativity. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Double entendre may be more prevalent in the way you speak or listen. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. The meaning of the Finger of God, Grand Trine Aspect Pattern Astrology Rare Blessings, Elements and Triplicities in Astrology: Fire, Water.Air and Earth signs, The Opposition Aspect Meaning in Astrology, Quincunx or the In-conjunct aspect in Astrology, Conjunction Aspect, The Meaning of the Conjunct in Astrology, Square Aspect in Astrology Natal Chart- Meaning. Celebrities: Martin Luther, Tatum ONeal, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Julio Iglesias, Maria Shriver, Alyssa Milano, Meg Ryan, Neil Armstrong. What Is A Waxing Crescent Moon? Use it. With a Mercury Neptune conjunction in your natal chart, you better stay honest because truth will always help you in your endeavors. Are you and your love interest meant to be? In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. Typical Duration. But, this is a great day to engage in projects that involve creativity or imagination. If lord of the 3rd, you may be subject to alot of detours while doing errands. If lord of the 5th, it is a good time to express yourself through music or poetry as your imagination and creativity in this area are higher. You often have a hard time explaining yourself. Strong earth or fire energy may shift this placement, whereas air and water strong in your chart will heighten Mercury conjunct Neptune. This is not a good day for engaging in mental activities that are all about details and having clear-cut opinions that are as well rational. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Others should like hanging around you, as you know . Yes, you may have spiritual guides, but its your life, and its best to take otherworldly advice with discernment and not follow it blindly. Take time to make sure you check all impressions, visions, and information you receive from your inner and outer environment. You can successfully get intricate messages across, but you generally have to make a special effort to be clear on all points. The transit of Neptune quincunx natal Mercury is a period of mental confusion, deception, and muddle that affects business, work, health, transportation, and communication with siblings, neighbors, friends, and work associates. When you have Neptune conjunct natal mercury, you can infuse the world with uplifting wisdom, especially in the areas of spiritual communion, communication, addiction, psychological and emotional problems once you learn to heal and manage your own emotional and psychological blockages. For instance, if you have work that requires you to inspire and incite the imaginations of other people, whether for creative or persuasive purposes, this is quite a powerful transit indeed. Experiences that open your awareness probably are as varied as your imagination, which is enhanced now also. The proven principles that have guided your life will serve you better than new ones. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. When it comes to their career, they need to express their personal thoughts and to write, take photos or make movies, anything with rich content. These natives possess a rich imagination and are oftentimes incapable of separating logic from whats unreal because their mind is all over the place. Song for this placement or this slower version. There can be nervous problems, and, if you have any predisposition to nervous disorders or some nerve palsy, it can coincide with this time. Your email address will not be published. When meetings are being avoided, people should keep their propositions short, which can prevent many from wandering. My readings weave together planetary symbolism, asteroids myths and Sabian symbols. If you lie or misrepresent yourself now, others would likely find out. Having a trusted advisor can assist in making certain that you don?t get in over your head, wherever important matters require your word or signature. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. March 2, 2025 Mine is in Leo in the 10th so its very different heart on display for all the world to see. The transit of Neptune trine, or sextile, to your natal Mercury is a period of great creative inspiration and imagination. This is why its essential to heal and not bury your psychological and emotional wounds. The retrograde conjunctions from transit Mercury to natal Neptune will occur in groups of three (with a direct conjunction before and after) only every six to seven years, or more often, thirteen years apart. In either case, a clearer sense of personal, social, cultural, and historical boundaries is necessary and helpful for you to navigate day-to-day experience. CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Venus: You tend to idealize the world and, especially, other people. This is a time when misunderstandings in your communications are likely. Beware of your trait to misjudge and get the wrong idea about situations, information, and people. Clarity in conveying information may become important during this cycle, and understanding accurately what others say can avoid misunderstandings. Acquaintances may not be truthful to you as often as you'd like. Mercury conjunct Neptune in the natal chart can make you more sensitive to your surroundings, but this depends on all aspects of your natal chart. Spiritual awakening enlightenment 27 signs and symptoms your journey has begun, 8-Misinterpreted teachings-Jesus-Who was misunderstood in the Bible, Dark Night Of The Soul 20 to Signs Meaning Indepth Guide. You might also feel misunderstood or paranoid, although these states of mind will soon pass, and you can return to your old self soon. This is the place for everything to do with numbers calculate your Life Path Number, see what major numerological events are coming up, or get a FREE numerology reading! When transiting Neptune is in opposition to your natal Mercury, its very easy to misunderstand circumstances and be deceived. They may need to get together with those who arent honest and manipulative, or they should be tempted to put the truth in shadows and avoid confrontations, even when lies are being revealed. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Mercury. But WaitHere's What You Need To Know About The Mercury Retrograde Shadow, 5 Powerful Ways To Hit Restart When Uranus Stations Direct! You feel drained and may just pass the time doing nothing. Dont get involved in dishonest schemes because luck is not on your side and you may end up being the victim. About the white shorts . A tendency to self-deception, being deceived or deceiving others is quite normal for this period. Your ego is diminished and so is your ambition. You can misunderstand others, and they can misunderstand you. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun: This transit is likely to make you feel like you are invisible. Valuable insights can be gained through meditation, dreaming, and practicing occult fields like astrology and Tarot. Do you have a Mercury-Neptune contact? View all Maps & Schedules by Route. An afflicted Mercury conjunct Neptune can make you a bit of a cad and low down dirty trickster, know we reap what we sow in life, so yano its up to you have you play your cards in this lifetime. There are different kinds of conjunctions transit Mercury can make with natal Neptune. Because of the long orbital period of Neptune, it is a rare transit when transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Chiron. Learn to not take others criticisms to heart, hear it out, think about it, see if there are any truths in what they said, but dont beat yourself up if they are, especially if it shows you in a bad light. Moving away from whats stressing their life during this time theyre going through can open their mind to bigger possibilities than theyd normally consider because thoughts are flowing for as long as the Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune. Sometimes, direct Mercury makes close conjunctions (within a few degrees) to natal Neptune, while also conjunct the transiting sun, only at much longer thirteen-year intervals. If lord of the 9th, you may be attracted to the mystical side of life more than usual. Do all you can to still and hold your nerves, eat good food, take regularly but not excessive exercise, do mind focusing activities, do all you can to build concentration. If lord of the 6th, be careful about health problems that crop up now.

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